
Reading super-hero comics has always been a great way to see and internalize truly heroic principles, ideals that we can apply to our own life. A big one, for me, was Spider-Man; ever since I was a kid, I've seen inaction in the face of trouble as being the same as causing that trouble yourself. 1/
I can't fix the world, but I can push a stalled car or interpose when I reckon tempers are flaring at the supermarket or give someone a ride when it's raining (if I remember to keep the truck tidy). I know I ain't the only one who's learned something from the costumed adventurers of the floppies. 2/
If you're an Mar/DC reader, or have been, then I suspect you have, too. A cornerstones is that superheroes protect the weak from the powerful. And yet, any time someone makes public how an older, more connected, more successful man in the comics industry harassed, assaulted, or propositioned... 3/
...them, the instinct of a lot of folks is to side with the powerful one against his victim. For any number of reasons: the powerful one makes stuff they like, and they don't want to see it stop. They don't consider what the powerful one did to be harassment, assault, or propositioning. Etc. 4/
I reckon that asking a die-hard Wolverine fan, the fierce protector of Kitty Pryde and Jubilee (and others), who he'd side with if one of the teens at Xavier's School for the gifted had a forty-year old man sliding into her DMs inviting her to stay at his place, would be about as useful... 5/
Avatar most any other rhetorical gotcha, but plenty of folks aren't hopelessly immoral; they just haven't weighed their ethics against the social positions they've been taught to champion. I was like that, and I know plenty of others who were, or are, too. 6/
So if you're a super-hero fan who has found themselves saying that the very act of bringing attention to a middle-aged man creeping on a minor is somehow worse than a middle-aged man creeping on a minor? I hope you'll think about the position that you're taking for a minute. 7/
You say you can't fix the world, but those little actions are exactly how we fix the world! Think of how life would be if everyone did those little things! Tikkun olam, dude!
What you have written here is my favorite view of the whole situation. I have my own thoughts & opinions, but I don’t think my particular voice is adding much to the conversation, so I’ll let it be. I will say that Piskor attended CXC 2022, so I know that people in my local community were affected.
***effected. Damnit 🤦🏻‍♀️
Pretty sure affected was correct here 💜
Effected means something different but is very rarely used.
Oh, sure… I’m open to suggestions, but when I looked them up I thought the “e” was correct. That’s embarrassing; 🫢I have an English degree, but it’s from a state school.
You had it right the first time haha
Yeah 😅 affect is the verb, effect is the noun Technically there are exceptions to that but no point muddying the water lmao I used to remember A for Action, idk if that's helpful
I always associate “affect” with “affectation” so I was leaning the other way. Now the question is should I delete it to hide my shame or keep it up so I am reminded of these helpful tips?
The Gospel of Uncle Ben is one of the most important philosophical lessons I've ever learned.
It's a lot shorter and easier to grasp than the parable of the talents in my opinion. Serves a similar purpose in concert with the context of Peter's origin story.
Avatar Note: The parent page (the one with the whole list of song links, has an outdated security certificate, but I've never had any issues with it in the years since its creator vanished. Browser will probably give you a warning, use your own judgment.
peter's Chorus: You don't have to worry 'Cause a hero is here Ready to fight off Your terror and fear But who's there to save me When I'm all alone? Who'll be my hero when I'm On my own?
It's worth imo. The man successfully crossed Lovecraft with ABBA in some of his filk songs.