
Universal basic income mitigates tunneling, meaning that people are more able to think beyond just one focus. The need to earn survival income tends to function like blinders that block out everything else but your focus on basic needs. Until they're obtained, can't think beyond.
We gotta say it louder for the folks in Iowa whose House Legislature is banning guaranteed income programs to protect capitalists. You won't hear them phrase it this way though, they call it, "protecting our work ethic". Very disappointed in this state that showed so much promise 15 years ago.
oooo don't forget #AltText! I was going to repost but won't bc of missing alt text.
The irony that one of those major distractions is automation… and it is actively having a huge impact. Important time for humans to prioritize cobotics/co-intelligence skills. What a novel idea… an early Basic Income program for all Humans to up skill and attain basic technical literacy.