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writer, mother, practicing somatic abolition. fat and not trying to lose weight. progress not perfection. fan of #AltText. #NEISVoid #WhitenessRecovery
my posts:
Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
Episode 5 is here, too. I wish this was required listening for USA adults. (This and Seeing White & Echoes of a Coup)
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Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
i see the apps were severely normal while i was out
Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: Girl goes on a journey and realises she forgot something.
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly. Pastor learns that not everything with wings is an angel.
No cheating. Post the last photo of a dog you have in your gallery:
No cheating. Post the last photo of a dog you have in your gallery:
Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
The truly memorable through line that runs from Shelley Duvall to Dr. Ruth and Richard Simmons is that all three were utterly unique, break-the-mold outliers who also came off as genuinely authentic people that cared deeply about the rest of humanity.
Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
The idea that there are these vast swathes of lefties who are rooting for a Trump victory is so weird to me. Everyone I know who wants Biden to step down is scared to death of a Trump win.
I keep seeing references made to 'leftists' who 'want 45 to win.' Who are these leftists? Are they strangers on the internet? I just don't see this. No one I know on the Left(s) is pro-45. I know some reactionary *moderates* who are though.
Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
hi fellow human how are you i'm debb
Trying to decide if hanging up and trying again will be worthwhile. 34 minutes 26 seconds in... #LiveTweetingCallingPotteryBarn
Just got a text from Pottery Barn reminding me about the item I need to pick up... thirty minutes 4 seconds into this being-on-hold with Pottery Barn about the item I need to pick up.
Just got a text from Pottery Barn reminding me about the item I need to pick up... thirty minutes 4 seconds into this being-on-hold with Pottery Barn about the item I need to pick up.
24 minutes on hold waiting for a human to pick up at the local Pottery Barn. I'm in a waiting room but no one else is here so I'm putting it on speakerphone. My hand & neck hurt.
Hey, all y'all please remember #AltText for those folks who depend on screen readers to be in the Internet worlds? It feels like extra work at first, but in my experience it ends up feeling awkward/weird/wrong to post without it after getting into the habit.
Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
When it comes to eating the rich and who wants to do the eating, I feel like the “is it vegan to eat a vegan?” question may come up quite a bit.
24 minutes on hold waiting for a human to pick up at the local Pottery Barn. I'm in a waiting room but no one else is here so I'm putting it on speakerphone. My hand & neck hurt.
Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
If I were the elected DA and I was being criticized for dismissing too many cases, I would put out a press release every Friday detailing every case that was dismissed for police incompetence.
Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
got a new badge that says 'keep wednesday pyrocumulonimbus free'
Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
sorry were you doing something? too bad boop time
Today I'm celebrating 28 years of recovery (I'm an alcoholic). Wahoooooo! So happy to be sober. <3
Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
Using MOVIE as an acronym, recommend 5 films: M: My Neighbor Totoro O: Office Space V: Vincent & Theo I: Inside Out E: Elephant Man, The
Using MOVIE as an acronym, recommend 5 films: M: Mamma Mia O: Ordinary People V: Valley Girl I: Inglourious Basterds E: Enough Said
Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
I just saw the phrase "Y2K vintage." I may never recover.
Reposted byAvatar serenebabe
them: dont let your pets touch your new tattoo my 17 year old cat: im just saying if i were to sneeze on it, technically i am still not touching it