
I got my hair cut today, after a year of growing it out. I brought a reference picture of a modified old school pixie. Dude looks at the picture and goes, "A pixie." I say, "exactly." "Have a seat," he says. The reference photo:
The actual, honest to God cut he gave me. Mine is identical. I want to cry.
I am 60 fucking yo, with salt & pepper hair, and the stress of the last 5 yrs sits heavy on my 40# overweight face. This fucking haircut is the same motherfucking haircut every single fucking stylist for the last 10 motherfucking years has given me NO MATTER WHAT FUCKING PHOTO I SHOW THEM
NO MATTER WHAT I SAY OR WHAT WE DISCUSS BEFORE THEY START. It's like I walk in in jeans & minimal makeup and ask for a short cut (a crop, a pixie, a bob), and they immediately think to themselves, "This woman must want the most masculine haircut I can give her," and proceed to give me a fade.
It doesn't matter that I bring photos. It doesn't matter that I tell them I just spent 6 mos growing my hair out from the last shitty, too-short, masculine haircut, PLEASE do not give me a fade or undercut or any separation between layers whatsofuckingever, and still, they fuck me over with this.
It's just so fucking demoralizing. I feel fucking ugly. It emphasizes every single thing that age & stress have exploded to the forefront: changing skin texture, sagging cheeks, widening jaw, grey hair, fucking turkey neck. There's nothing to camouflage that shit. Every flaw is neon lit.
There is NOTHING feminine or soft in this fucking cut. It's harsh & bare & fucking masculine. I'm sure there are women who can pull this cut off and look amazing. I am not one of them. I am an aging woman with a narrow forehead and wide jaw, and this cut accentuates my jaw like I'm Dudley Doright.