
even trump’s campaign staff (i assume he didn’t write this) knows that the reactionary, authoritarian agenda that’s project 2025 is going to be unpopular with the average voter.
He’s known to lie but he’s also known to be ignorant and dumb as a rock.
I totally believe that he doesn't really know anything about Project 2025. I also totally believe that he'll appoint a bunch of people who want to implement every part of it to major positions, so it won't matter.
The only downside (at least for the GOP) is that he's too much of a narcissist to just do what they tell him to. He bypassed party leadership to appeal to their base, and now he's got the entire party by the short hairs.
That doesn’t matter to the GOP or to him. This goes back to the idea that either Trump or the GOP has a moral compass. They don’t have any values. They lie without shame. Their only goal is power and money. Their ‘policies’ have always contradicted themselves. That’s part of the game for them.