
$216/1077. Thank you! Puppy is doing very well ๐Ÿ˜ญ ๐Ÿซ‚. Can we get to $300? #MutualAid
Still at $157. I understand lots of people need money and I hate ebegging but I shouldn't have to go $1077 in debt so I can keep my doggo healthy and free of pain but here we are. Even $5 every once in awhile really adds up. Helping with payments is all I ask. #MutualAid$Captainmurp...
What's the dog's situation?
I posted about it quite a bit he had to have a lot of teeth removed but thankfully far as I know there was no cancer. I got a special Care credit card for the very purpose and that's what you're seeing about.
Above* that's the exact amount. The good news is he should be a lot healthier after he heals up!
Been pretty out of it since the birthday shenanigans. Glad the dog's going to be okay.