
Two weeks ago, I became the centre of a baffling panic among the online Men's Rights community. I wrote this to say how weird, stupid and depressing that was, but also that I haven't given up on people just yet.
My rather sweet Father’s Day joke got the men’s rights activists raging | Séamas O' It seems I’m a misandrist…
For a fuller view of the debacle, you can find my original precis here.
So, this has been extremely strange. Yesterday I published this column about my son's thin grasp on the merits of Father's Day. It was - I thought - a fairly sweet piece, and initial reaction from readers was very positive. And then things got weird...
My son is suspicious of the idea of Father’s Day. Why would he want to celebrate the lesser of his two parents? | Seamas O' I’m aware of sounding a bit desperate as I explain the concept to him
Excellent first comment to them though lol
You are a fantastic writer; they just have the reading comprehension of syphilitic gibbons.
It's nice that you think the normal people outnumber the other on Twitter, but over here I have interesting conversations and learn things and over there weirdos shout at you and you get porn thrown at you, so I think I'll stay here. Twitter can maybe work if you have lots of followers?
People didn’t recognize Séamus as a traditionally male name? I don’t even know what to say to that. Even in America it’s a reasonably common boy name, albeit usually with a slightly different spelling.
Séamas must be a kind person. Where he said 'not familiar with Irish naming conventions' most of us would have said 'thick idiots who don't know Séamas is a boys' name'.
These idiots busy trying to foster an online culture war piss me off so much. They're the same people that complain Star Trek is too woke, or X-Men are too woke. Their words have no water and are the howling of a bunch of half shaven bleached apes.
I read the previous article expecting.. I don't know? Something negative 😅?? It's not it's just a normal Parent-Child interaction!
sweet jesus, people are embarrassing