
I know I'm not the boss of any of y'all, but if you could stop emailing my poor PA to complain about how the narrator for the Tybalt book is not Mary Robinette, that would be swell. Tybalt's book has a non-Toby POV, and doing that voice for fifteen hours would have killed her throat.
Our stand-in narrator did a fabulous job of matching the tone and energy MKR established for Tybalt in her narration, and as I'm not currently planning to write another full book from his POV, may not be coming back. But I want him to like us, in case there's a short story collection someday.
That said, I try not to injure the people I work with, whether they're my audiobook narrators, my artists, or my copy-editors.
I certainly also would love that short story collection. I’d love for someone to pay you to compile all of the Tybalt short stories, which seems if anything more than enough for a novel-sized offering.
Two, at this point. At least.
For both of which I would eagerly pay full retail freight. I’m hoping that a Tybalt-perspective novel drives interest for this.
I'm honestly really enjoying his narration! It fits my brain!Tybalt voice really well.
Also, I so totally hope Garm and Tybalt get up to shenanigans at one point, just for funzies.
Also 'cause he did a good job!
Please tell me you let Terri start to be "less than polite" about it.
I want to. I genuinely can't. I have had people not only spread slander, but intentionally one-star all my books, just because I said something in a tone they didn't like. Terri speaks for me when she's answering from the PA address.
So we can send dice or MtG cards to you when people do bad things to you. Is there something we can send her to make this less awful for her?
Gift certificates to yarn shops! I also accept dapper vests, kosher fancy chocolates, and purple fountain pens. In all seriousness, this will soon pass.
Damn, unfortunate but understandable. I'll just have to imagine what she probably would say were she not constrained. (Terri and I have been friends for many years so this is pretty easy)
She says many of those things to me in private. She just has to be restrained when answering professional emails.
Well I find this conversation deeply amusing.
Terri’s *job* is to be professionally polite at people. And since the job covers the yarn budget, I’m damn good at it.