
Just finished DREADNOUGHT by What a brilliant barn burner of a book. I'm ordering the second volume immediately, and anxious to do the same with the third.
This is a trans superhero story, in that our heroine, Danny, is a trans girl who becomes a superhero, and has to deal with two coming of age narratives at the same time. It's beautifully, grippingly written, and genuinely moving.
I don't describe it this way to downplay how essential and key the trans nature of this story is. It's a central component, absolutely necessary. A cis author couldn't have--shouldn't have--written this story. I know so many people I want to hand this to.
Rather, my description is meant to express that this is a superhero story for EVERYONE, and honestly, anyone who might take "trans superhero" as a reason to assume this book wasn't for them needs to read it even sooner.
It is human, humane, heroic, and glorious. Get in here.
As I point out: this is the book that introduced me to "TERF" and I thought it was MADE UP FOR THE BOOK because nobody could be that wrong. I was so young and naif back in 2017.
welp, I stayed up till 2 AM cramming both books into my eyeballs and I regret nothing. Thank you for the excellent rec.
No wait time at my library!! Let's change that Blue sky 😁