
Since Trump is a convicted felon and spent the whole debate fabricating falsehoods and is an autocratic insurrectionist, it’s time to think about who the Republican convention should replace him with once he’s forced to withdraw. Romney, maybe?
Oh, I think they'll go with Liz Cheney, that be the smart thing.
That's who a whole bunch of democratic strategists are pushing for, as a replacement for Biden.
Apparently Trump's qualities are the best credentials a Republican candidate can have.
A strategy I've been using... Many moons ago, I considered myself a centrist Republican. So, in GA, I registered as an R. I have since abandoned the R party, however, I do vote in the R primary, always voting for the least known candidate. For one election cycle, imagine if many dems did this.
A better, revised/new, and contemporary constitution could leave less room for the Christian Supreme Court to be the policy maker for our country. We have much more fundamental issues with our system than Trump or Republicans. They are just riding all the flaws in our system, and so do Democrats.
I have a more radical idea. I think we should replace both the Republican and the Democratic parties and start a real democracy with many (2+) parties sharing power. America has a “bible” mindset about its constitution but, maybe, it is time to revisit our overall system for one that fits our era.
Never mind the ultimate fate of the universe, I'm hoping smart people can get us out of this current mess. Nice suggestion btw, and yes I will be voting.