Sean R. Frazier, Fantasy Author

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Sean R. Frazier, Fantasy Author

The Last Available out NOW:

Author of Mage Breaker and The Forgotten Years fantasy series. runner, gamer, What The Book? podcaster, and dork. Twelve cats in a trench coat.

I kinda feel like if it's acceptable for a business to include "Compensation commensurate with experience" on their job application, then I should be able to include "Effort commensurate with salary"...
Added googly eyes to my dragon skull print and...deeerrrrrpppp!
The most outlandish thing can happen in a TV show or movie and I'm cool with it but SO HELP ME I will zero in on that mug or cup they're drinking from that's OBVIOUSLY empty and that kills it for me.
There are literally countless things I haven't seen that I could binge and that just makes it tougher for me to settle on anything.
I don't mean to brag but I just had the most epic stretch/yawn combo.
Another day where AI proves to be a thief of joy and resources.
Them: "I bet I could write a book..." Me: "I bet I could write a book, too!" Them: "Wait, haven't you written, like, seven books?" Me: "Yes! And I bet I can write another!"
Mage Breaker: Eight Bullets's cover! Preorders open on July 1st with the official release on August 20th, so you've got plenty of time to grab the first book before release! *nudge nudge*
It doesn't seem like it'd be a big deal, but constantly applying for jobs is exhausting.
Pretty sure he sat at the top of the stairs, posing, and waiting for me to see his majestic ass.
These are going with me to the Grown-Up Book Fair tomorrow. Hopefully, the return trip home is a bit lighter.
Got a lot of painting done on my latest 3d prints and I'm happy to say I did NOT try to drink the paint water. Not even once.
I'm going to write a biography about my car. It'll be an autobiography.
Had a dream last night that I was at an author event and another author had moved all my stuff to a secluded corner and took my table. Then I had to hurry home to let the dogs out. So there's some unpacking to be done, there, I guess.
This blog is way overdue, but I'm happy to finally share my spoiler free review of Sean R. Frazier's book Mage Breaker with a Q&A he was so gracious to contribute! Please have a read and buy Sean's books! #writingcommunity #authors
A chat with fantasy author Sean R. Frazier + book review of his new release "Mage Breaker" A review of Sean R. Frazier's book Mage Breaker and a Q&A with Sean.
In case you were wondering what some prints look like hot off the bed. Before and after. (horns printed separately) #3dprint
What do you think of my new chromatic dragon skull author table display? (Deadpool Funko for scale because I'm too cool to use bananas)
Woke up WAY too early this morning but the first thought on my mind was "Guilty of 34 counts" and that's one helluva great first thought.
Don't let us all die in the abyss!!! At least let us die on a beach somewhere. Or in a forest cabin on a mountain. I don't really know if reviews lead to that but why don't we find out?
As it gets increasingly harder and harder for us writer-types to reach new audiences, much less our existing audiences, I remind you that if you've read a book of ours (like, for me, BLACK RIVER ORCHARD) and liked it, it'd be swell if you left a review somewhere. That way we don't die in the abyss!
She does this on the bed until someone comes along and gives her tummy rubs. I was that someone. #DogsOfBlueSky
Since I got Eight Bullets' galleys finished yesterday, I really want to dive back into one of my other WIPs but, instead, I'm just going to relax and enjoy one last day off. This week is most likely going to be a bit of chaos, so relaxing sounds nice.
After going to a Tina Turner tribute concert last night, I realize I know a lot more of her songs than I thought I did.
Pre-gaming dinner with a cupcake. Or three.
The Alien Ray Gun cicadas were up before the sun...trying to get some action early, I guess.
Decently life-changing event occurring this week and it's both good and bad and also terrifying. But I slept like a rock last night, so that might tell me all I need to know about it. Either that or I'm perpetually exhausted...which also might be true.
The "Alien Ray Gun" cicadas were up before the sun, screaming. I guess they already had their coffee.
Getting some shiny new rainbow filament to mess around with my 3d printer. Aaaand...I have a NEW printer arriving soon--one with a much larger print area so either fewer seams or ZERO seams and this has me excite! I saved up sooo many Amazon gift cards for this lol.