
alright to give you a concept of being demisexual at a young age in rural mid-south with that kind of church overbearing grandma and a pagan mom, mom was workin, I was playing video games w/ the neighbors daughter we were like probably 7-8. I'd had friends stay over the night before to play games.
Me and the neighbors daughter pooled our NES games and we were just sitting down and like having a blast with each other playing games. I looked at my grandma and said "Hey can she spend the night if it's ok w/ her family so we can play games?" and my grandma flipped.
Instantly assumed I had impure devilish thoughts and scolded me very harshly for it lmao. I was like what I just .. thought we could play video games later than curfew if it was cool
I didn't understand at all what was going on, that's kind of a streisand effect these people put. They go to the catastrophizing phase of anxiety reaction thinking, and they're doing the same thing right now as both libs and maga w/r/t politics.
We never taught anybody how to practice emotional/hormonal/instinctual/knowledge/gnosis balance and it really is coming back to bite us in the ass after a cpl hundred years of repetition with only us freelancers figuring that stuff out
i knew a lot of people in high school whose parents 100% believed the "Hugs leads to kisses leads to sex leads to sin" pipeline and it was so goddamn stupid
In hindsight, this event I wrote about is one of the funnier defining moments in my childhood because it really confused me but not about sexuality, rather about christian obsession with sin and guilt and shameb
She didn't realize it but she unwittingly sealed christianity off from me forever that day.
She wouldn't even tell me why what I did was wrong, just that I did something "really bad and should never do it again" like great but if you won't tell me what it is how the fuck am I supposed to know what I did that was bad