SeigenMizu healing arc

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SeigenMizu healing arc

Be good to people, or expect me not to be good to you. Your choice.

PFP by guhin on deviant art under CC license depicts a robotic samurai warrior who is wearing samurai armor plates and holding a katana wearing traditional samurai headpiece. (he/they)
This is precisely why Biden or Trump is not my concern. Defeat Trump. Say you did that. What fascism did you REALLY stop? Cause *gestures broadly* they're still in office FUCKING EVERYWHERE, hold a lot of congress, and a majority of the supreme court. Get real.
The people who think France just "defeated the far right" because of the election would do really well to go study the federal election history of germany throughout 1919-1945. They aren't defeated until every last one is out of politics and unable to reenter. At best, you delayed them.
I put some in the campaign yesterday, we're super broke and I can't give anymore but please try to help them reach the goal if you can. Every family we can save from this nightmare and give space to heal and grow is a true act of putting good in the world, so if you can help, help!
Thank you all, the donation campaign has reached $41,000, I hope to get support from you guys always
Yes. I also find it gets difficult to breathe and I grow dizzy/get chest pains. in your experiences w/ long covid, does it feel like it just literally gets harder to think as it gets hotter? because I sure feel like I'm dealing w/ that shit daily right now in this heat dome shit
I think about this a lot, and in tandem with the time that He went into a temple and beat the asses of nearly everyone there.
Can't wait for them to find out if the lamb comes back as lion they're the ones getting eaten
Can't wait for them to find out if the lamb comes back as lion they're the ones getting eaten
Well that’s ominous
where does one go to the barber and personal trainer and say "Just fuck me up so I look like a thumb fam"
Hopefully get a life!!
Avatar in your experiences w/ long covid, does it feel like it just literally gets harder to think as it gets hotter? because I sure feel like I'm dealing w/ that shit daily right now in this heat dome shit
alright to give you a concept of being demisexual at a young age in rural mid-south with that kind of church overbearing grandma and a pagan mom, mom was workin, I was playing video games w/ the neighbors daughter we were like probably 7-8. I'd had friends stay over the night before to play games.
I get people who have faced societal hatred very well because I've also faced a LOT of societal hatred. I grew up with a pagan mom who got very publicly exposed in a deep southern baptist, episcopal and presbyterian church dominated area. Satanists were the tippity top in the 80s of the list.
It's like universally to keep me from having to bring things up in therapy before I'mr eady at this point I think lmao just instinctive defensive mechanisms protecting me from harmful information I'm not ready to process yet
Realizing some people I've blocked here were to prevent psychic damage not from the person being a psychic damager but just from the information they were pushing being psychically damaging cognitohazard and I'm tryint o undo that when/where I can, don't ever take a block personal w/ me
Secretly we all know he is jacked because he saved christmas and piloted santa's sleigh at warp speed thus doing some DBZ-style training on his muscles and increasing his power level to SuperEarnest 2
I am here to once again declare that John Cena should star in an Ernest legacy sequel where he plays Ernest P. Worrell's improbably jacked son (it is never explained in any way why he is jacked)
white people are catching on b/c the fascists have started saying the quiet part out loud just cause you don't speak dogwhistle doesn't mean it wasn't said
this shit ain't new to Black people we been truing to tell you
kwirk avatar, alchemist class, this totally checks out
Honestly, even the 4th wasn't as bad as some years have been. More just the commercial/professional displays at the parks nearby that we heard than anything. Some late night ppl doing small stuff between mid-3am, but nothing super loud and boomy thank god.
We got super lucky last night and only had a few more go off, it's just now getting dark here so I'm expecting to hear some start any minute.
These fireworks can stop at any point. 8 hours is probably enough.
This is why I can't take people seriously who are only concerned with the source of the most recent set of allegations going hypervisible. This shit isn't new, you're just hearing about it from someplace you don't like the first time so you're dismissing evidence. Stop carrying water for abusers.
Gaiman apologists positioning themselves as the wronged ones of the discourse learned nothing, cannot be trusted, and are a vital piece of the rape culture that makes it so hard for people to come forward.
Gaiman apologists positioning themselves as the wronged ones of the discourse learned nothing, cannot be trusted, and are a vital piece of the rape culture that makes it so hard for people to come forward.
Shit unlocking core memories, Katt Williams saved my life fuck
Remember, no matter who you are, where you are -- You can choose to wake up tomorrow and decide "I will not strike anybody unless I have to prevent somebody from being struck". And start thinking through how you personally interpret that. And be better. I'm trying too.
More than anything, we need to start getting the people who are furthest removed from practicing equanimity (Like Biden, Trump, RFK, or really any politician) away from the levers of power.
I think we've started training members of every generation how to defend ourselves from the actual problems crashing down upon us, but we have a lot of work to do. We need to shore up alliances, get more people onboard, practice more de-escalation.
I think we've started training members of every generation how to defend ourselves from the actual problems crashing down upon us, but we have a lot of work to do. We need to shore up alliances, get more people onboard, practice more de-escalation.
I remember *several* people wanted to tell me about how trans women in women's sports was unfair the moment I came out as trans to them. It was so fucking weird.
Trans women will often drift into militancy out of a kind of necessity. We don't really choose to be hardasses about shit and honestly a lot of us are pretty nice but many people's first encounter with us is when they decide to say some dumb shit we've heard about a thousand times and won't drop it.
We're not saints, we're exactly like everyone else and when you fuck with someone a long enough time they start telling you to go fuck yourself right back. And a lot of people's first experience is with us on the far end of that curve when we're not exactly tolerating their shit anymore.
What matters is if you find yourselves with an unquenchable desire to return to the machine, then you should be worried.