Seize The Press Magazine

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Seize The Press Magazine

Anticapitalist magazine of dark fantasy, bleak science fiction, and unsettling horror. Here for a bad time.

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Atomic Carnival founder, & BRAVE NEW WEIRD recipient Eirik Gumeny, has passed. We didn't know him well; but we truck in words, & goddamn did Eirik's way with them touch us. He is loved & missed. We've posted is BNW-winning story here in full. Onward, Eirik🖤☠️
It's THAT time of the year again! The annual STRANGE HORIZONS FUND DRIVE is now live. To donate: Over the next 36 days, we're looking to raise $13,500 to stay alive through 2025, and beyond for some very special special issues!
Our first newsletter has gone out! You can read it here and also subscribe to get it delivered directly to your inbox so you can bypass the colossal stinking pit of dogshit that social media has become.
A New Age The age of X is over. The time of the newsletter has come. Not really. We’re still around on all your favourite (and least favourite) social media sites, but...
this story is for anyone who loved Riley Tao's story "What It's Like" in (they've got similarly upsetting endings)
"Right to Remain" by Riley Tao What if your mom was a streamer? What if your mom wouldn’t stop streaming to attend your dad’s funeral? What if her followers sucked, and hated you? The most unsettling story I’ve read about internet hate mobs and corporate-owned deadnames.
Really stepped outside our usual wheelhouse with Nika Murphy's "Brick City, Stick City, Straw City", a story of betrayal and revolution. It's our first 'hopeful' story, but a hope that is gritty, grounded, and earned with truly thoughtful storytelling.
“Brick City, Stick City, Straw City” by Nika Murphy - Seize The Sometimes, when Boyd squints hard enough, when windows in Brick City line up just right, when sunlight glints off shards of twisted iron fire escapes and bounces between rain-slicked alleys, he sees h...
Typebar Magazine Issue 2 is now free to the public. Nine incredible essays ranging from the useless malice of 2000s nostalgia to French sociology's relationship with Neopets. All free! FREE!
Typebar An interesting thing to read on the internet.
Hello, cowghouls! It is with great pleasure that we introduce you to's THE FLESH INHERENT, a gay cowboy western bursting with delightful body horror grotesqueries. Behold, the front cover by Excerpt and pre-order:
We've finally caught on to the fact that social media is in its death throes and got a newsletter! We're gonna bombard you with so many fucking emails you have no idea. Sign up here!
Seize The Press Anticapitalist magazine of dark fantasy, bleak science fiction, and unsettling horror. Here for a bad time.
“[This story] made me long for the fields” -
Really stepped outside our usual wheelhouse with Nika Murphy's "Brick City, Stick City, Straw City", a story of betrayal and revolution. It's our first 'hopeful' story, but a hope that is gritty, grounded, and earned with truly thoughtful storytelling.
“Brick City, Stick City, Straw City” by Nika Murphy - Seize The Sometimes, when Boyd squints hard enough, when windows in Brick City line up just right, when sunlight glints off shards of twisted iron fire escapes and bounces between rain-slicked alleys, he sees h...
Cracking interview with Carson Winter, author of Soft Targets, the upcoming A Spectre is Haunting Greentree, and more kaiju disaster fiction than you can shake a stick at. Carson talked to us about Thomas Ligotti, ontological horror, and his recent consumerism horror novella The Psychographist.
Reality Is How Horror Stories Are Born: an interview with Carson Winter, author of The Psychographist - Seize The It’s been a hell of a few years for Carson Winter, with short stories published in various magazines and Best Of’s, and a growing number of weird horror novellas under his belt. Jonny Pickering chats ...
There’s a lot of great stuff in Your Body Is Not Your Body, but Joe Koch’s story “Chironoplasty” transplanted me into another dimension. Joe is a genius, genuinely one of the best prose writers I’ve ever read.
This is also a story about a guy so horny, he’d topple an authoritarian government just at the chance to have a woman he met one time maybe sit on his face.
Really stepped outside our usual wheelhouse with Nika Murphy's "Brick City, Stick City, Straw City", a story of betrayal and revolution. It's our first 'hopeful' story, but a hope that is gritty, grounded, and earned with truly thoughtful storytelling.
“Brick City, Stick City, Straw City” by Nika Murphy - Seize The Sometimes, when Boyd squints hard enough, when windows in Brick City line up just right, when sunlight glints off shards of twisted iron fire escapes and bounces between rain-slicked alleys, he sees h...
Hey so not only did I write this story solely with StP in mind but it’s also my favorite thing I’ve ever written. If you read nothing else by me ever again, please read this. I’m so proud of it and I’m so glad it found a home at Seize the Press.
Really stepped outside our usual wheelhouse with Nika Murphy's "Brick City, Stick City, Straw City", a story of betrayal and revolution. It's our first 'hopeful' story, but a hope that is gritty, grounded, and earned with truly thoughtful storytelling.
“Brick City, Stick City, Straw City” by Nika Murphy - Seize The Sometimes, when Boyd squints hard enough, when windows in Brick City line up just right, when sunlight glints off shards of twisted iron fire escapes and bounces between rain-slicked alleys, he sees h...
Happy Invaginies Day! It's here, my new collection! If you like literary horror, surrealist trash, lyrical splatter, or poetic discomfort and rage, this may be the book for you.
Really stepped outside our usual wheelhouse with Nika Murphy's "Brick City, Stick City, Straw City", a story of betrayal and revolution. It's our first 'hopeful' story, but a hope that is gritty, grounded, and earned with truly thoughtful storytelling.
“Brick City, Stick City, Straw City” by Nika Murphy - Seize The Sometimes, when Boyd squints hard enough, when windows in Brick City line up just right, when sunlight glints off shards of twisted iron fire escapes and bounces between rain-slicked alleys, he sees h...
Set the controls for the heart of the Weird. The Best New Weird Horror of the Year, out in two days👽💀 Available direct from us, or from your preferred independent bookseller
My story, “Brick City, Stick City, Straw City” in the current issue of is partially inspired by this movie.
Thinking about DARK CITY, it's interesting to contemplate that it was made in that peculiar little window when Australia decided to actually invest in the arts in the '90s. Consider the following: •MURIEL'S WEDDING •STRICTLY BALLROOM •PRISCILLA: QUEEN OF THE DESERT
"The power of art resides in its capacity to reveal what has previously been hidden, to lay bare the grim realities of our society, even if it wounds us." By way of Burroughs, Goya, and Agustina Bazterrica, Neal Auch interrogates and pokes at the flesh of meat horror.
The Horror on the End of Every Fork by Neal Auch - Seize The The publication of William S. Burroughs’ Naked Lunch was met with great controversy. The book was characterized as “a devastating ridicule of all that is false, primitive, and vicious in current Ameri...
Reminder for writers we now take fiction submissions up to 7500 words. Horrible weird unsettling grotesque or otherwise oddball fantasy science fiction and horror. Everyone can still submit, but particularly encouraging non-US authors to send your stuff in.
Submissions - Seize The Submissions Guidelines Seize The Press Magazine is an anticapitalist publication looking to publish dark speculative fiction. Bleak sci-fi, dark fantasy, horror and all kinds of weird, messy, genre-de...
Oh hey, I have another story out today! My return to StP is a queer horror tale of revenge, of making and unmaking. Read my little story of unbirthdays here and find about the vivisected shape of the world once it refuses to accommodate you:
"For years we were as inseparable as flesh fused together by wound-welding time." returns to STP with another sicko horror story "Unbirthday Means You Wish Yourself Unborn". That opening line got me, and it's gonna get you too.
“Unbirthday Means You Wish Yourself Unborn” by Avra Margariti - Seize The For years we were as inseparable as flesh fused together by wound-welding time. Until the night before twelfth grade, when you decided to rend us asunder with a few simple words: “I would like to go b...