
Well, I've crossed the Rubicon. :) After adding some finishing touches to my creepypasta sci-fi short film, I've submitted it to two film festivals. Toes and fingers crossed! Meanwhile, enjoy the poster I've made. ;) (Hey, I'm working on a $15 budget here. You don't get to judge me. :P )
Multiple dreams. 😌 If I ever manage to kick my video game addiction, my productivity will go up by 200% or so hahaha
I mean, the video games are vital lol
To an extent. 🙃 I'm fairly certain I am now in the top 3% of "7 Days to Die" players, if such ranking were available. I play it even as I realize, on every level, that I'm doing it just to avoid doing other, more responsible things. 😅
Ahhhhh, good taste!! I actually reverted to a previous release, most recent one tanked my fps Do you play solo or on servers?
I see you too are a person of culture. 🧐 I always play solo - the apocalypse is a lonely road. :) My record is 21 hours on the hardest difficulty level - got too arrogant when raising a level-5 factory, didn't bring enough ammo. 😅
99% of the time I solo, but I have been on a few servers. Haven’t made it past around day 14, I’m not good at bases/traps
Easy. :) To hide, find a building with a flat roof and destroy all access points. (Ladders, stairs.) Then hang out, shoot the birds, and throw Molotovs. :) To fight, make a long 1-tile path that's 3 cubes high (wood, cement, etc) with a little ladder leading to it. Set metal bars, so they'd (1/2)
...have to hop and skip as they run towards you hahaha. (Build a little pyramid out of cubes for them to get onto the path. 1-2-3.) Surround your own little platform at the end with metal railings so you don't fall down. :) Make them run *far* along the path to get to you haha. Enjoy!!
I generally put points into Pummel Pete and use a club.. have never gotten to the point where I craft my own stuff, but with this new character I’m going to try to go as far as I can