Grigory Lukin (rhymes with "story" and "scene")

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Grigory Lukin (rhymes with "story" and "scene")

Misadventurer, vagabond, eccentric based out of Quebec City. Huge sci-fi fan. (Small sci-fi is great too.) Seeking representation for my debut sci-fi novel, "Time Traveler's Etiquette Guide." 👋🤓
I sense a new trend in cover-up tattoos... (Allegedly, the most popular tattoo among Millennials is a cover-up of a Harry Potter tattoo.)
Neil Gaiman, *63yo, insists that his sexual relationship with his live-in nanny,*23, which started on her first night at his home, was consensual. It’s not the 80’s sir. The power imbalance & her dependency on you for employment & housing, make this at a minimum coercive & far from consensual.
"Part of the particular interest and beauty of science fiction and fantasy: writer and reader collaborate in world-making." Ursula K. Le Guin #writing #scifi #fantasy
Well, *that* was the single creepiest and over-the-top query rejection I've ever received. O_o Either they decided to *really* lawyer-up (especially in light of the KT Literary scandal), or I should be mildly worried haha #WritingCommunity #writing
Indeed. If you really want to make a difference, then offer rides on the election day: sooo many people are theoretically open to voting but don't have the time or the logistics. That was part of the big Reid machine that delivered Nevada to Obama: literal buses full of underprivileged voters.
I keep saying that swing voters are hard to target because there aren’t that many of them and an unsurprising number of armchair analyst men who’ve never worked in politics or even volunteered for a candidate they like are, like, no, dummy independent voters are a huge demo
After a complicated move (landlord lied), I'm about to give up on the concept of furniture. 🙃 When I was an itinerant Amazombie, all I had was an air mattress: the rest could've been improvised. Folding tables, chairs, etc... The "real" versions are just not worth the trouble.
My move has extended indefinitely due to the internet router deciding to take the scenic route to my new apartment. 🙃 I'm passing the time by listening to the 4.5-hour podcast where Quentin Tarantino geeks out about public domain movies. 🤓 I've never heard 90% of the films and people (1/2)
Gremlins, I tell you.
My favorite conspiracy theory is that the number of pulls on the chain to turn off a fan changes every time
Fax all-black pages to put a dent in their ink bill. 😈 #ChaoticNeutral
Ppl are retweeting this and I just want to add that faxing is THE most annoying thing to do to your representatives. There are websites where you can fax for a small fee and those machines are LOUD and then at the very least they have to deal with all the print outs.
inside you there are two wolves. you're mostly whole, but the three of you share a single gastrointestinal tract. the doctors are at a loss
Literally saw a TikTok awhile back where someone was interviewing tattoo artists, asking "What's the most stereotypical Millennial tattoo?", and two different artists answered "Harry Potter tat cover-up."
"Science fiction seldom attempts to predict the future. More often than not, it tries to prevent the future." Arthur C. Clarke #scifi #writing
If the Washington Post headline tomorrow isn't "SCOTUS Rules POTUS Can Assassinate SCOTUS Without Criminal Liability" I don't know what we're even doing
July 1 is Canada Day, except in Quebec, where it's the province-wide moving day, with every lease expiring at the same time. 🙃 Moving trucks everywhere, chaos galore, and piles of stuff near dumpsters... So much waste.
This world still has heroes. 😌
Twenty odd years ago, the lottery had one of those mega-mega-jackpots. I was sitting around with some friends, talking about what we'd do with it, and one said "I'd give everyone here a million dollars. You'd all get a new life too and I'd still have more money than I'd know how to spend."
"My briefest ever definition of science fiction is 'Hubris clobbered by Nemesis.'" Brian W. Aldiss #scifi #writing
Thou shalt not suffer an android to live.
I think the last good tech story was the people of Philadelphia murdering Hitchbot and leaving his body as a warning for other robots
I was packing for a big move, and found a list of 20 story ideas I'd written down during the darkest days of the pandemic. I'd forgotten all about it... There's some great stuff there. ;) #writing
Remember that Expanse season finale when the protomolecule attacked a spaceship near Venus and instantly took it apart, down to the last little screw? I bet it wouldn't have been able to do that with Ikea's Micke-model corner table. Don't ask me how I know. 🤣
Well, I've crossed the Rubicon. :) After adding some finishing touches to my creepypasta sci-fi short film, I've submitted it to two film festivals. Toes and fingers crossed! Meanwhile, enjoy the poster I've made. ;) (Hey, I'm working on a $15 budget here. You don't get to judge me. :P )
Life's little luxuries: eating perfectly ripe, cold peaches while taking a hot shower. Utterly delightful. 😌
Settings --> Moderation --> Muted words and tags. I have myself added a couple of additional words onto the list in the short term.
A propos of nothing at all, will someone please remind me how to mute a word on Bluesky? Specifically a 6-letter word that starts with d and ends with e
I haven't participated in a while, but I've finally sent off a story for Apex magazine's monthly story contest. "French Foreign Space Legion Blues" is a go! :) Let's see how it fares. #writing
Was just asked in an interview what one piece of advice I have for new writers. Enjoy the act of writing. If you can enjoy the process--the one thing you can control--then you'll be more resilient in the face of the things you can't control. And in this business, you can't control most of it.
"The 'science' in 'science fiction' isn't just physics and engineering. It can also be linguistics, anthropology, and psychology." Ann Leckie #scifi #writing
I'm filling out a routine change-of-address form here in Quebec, and it looks like they've prepared for time travelers! 🙃 (Except for the ones from the 11th millennium. Nobody likes those guys.)
Science fiction is all about a Great Forgetting age where records are lost etc and sometimes it's natural disaster and sometimes it's revolutionary action but in our world it's apparently for tax write-offs
Mask bans are evil and dystopian and I am appalled that they’re even being proposed. Wearing masks to protect your health and the health of others needs to be recognized as a right for all and an absolutely essential protection for those who would otherwise be unable to participate in society
"Paradoxes are just the scar tissue. Time and space heal themselves up around them and people simply remember a version of events which makes as much sense as they require it to make." Douglas Adams #scifi #timetravel