
Easy to lose sight of the significance here, but the sitting president just gave a speech condemning the Supreme Court for a ruling that expands presidential power. It’s also a president who stands to benefit from this ruling, given that his opponent is vowing to imprison him and his family.
He did the most Democratic thing ever, which was to agree with a meaningless dissent and then tell us that as President he didn't have the power or legitimacy to do anything about it and that it was up to us.
Just think: if we kept voting, we could elect a whole string of Democratic Presidents all of whom would tell us that they can't do anything and that it was up to us to elect another Democratic President who would also not be able to do anything.
Just think about it, we could have voted a string of democratic presidents that didn’t nominate these jackasses to the courts.
"Win every election forever" isn't a viable strategy. Dems need to actually do something to combat this crap.
We need to win enough elections to give us the power to expand the court, enshrine Roe in law, and write ethics/anti-corruption laws with actual teeth. To say “gratuities” are the same as bribes, etc.
The time to start taking measures like that was 40 years ago when the GOP first started bragging about their plans. I fear they left it too late.
Well, when only about half of voters don’t come out to the polls, and we begged them to vote for SCOTUS in 2016 and they said women were overreacting…
Clinton received the 3rd most votes of any candidate to that point. She helped create Trump and didn't campaign in key states. Furthermore, Obama let McConnell ride roughshod over him and RBG refused to retire out of hubris. Obama promised to codify Roe, and had the numbers to do so.
She got more votes than any man ever prior to the 2020 election. She did campaign. A lot of it was before the primaries. Some were canceled due to the Pulse massacre. But if you didn’t think she was good enough to vote for, you did not give a shit about the Supreme Court.
Obama only had a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate for 3 months or so out of his 8 years. Because voters let him down.
And Bernie voters were also targets of the Russian disinformation campaign. All they had to do was bleed off a few votes here and a few votes there. And it worked.
Literally no data bears out the "Bernie Bros cost us the election" nonsense.
It was cumulative. Disinfo, Comey announcement, etc. he lost the popular vote but squeaked by in 5 states.
Always blaming the voters, lol. The filibuster is made up. It's not real.
It may be “made up” (all rules are), but POTUS can’t force the Senate to change their rules. And yes, I blame voters for not caring enough about those who will be hurt when the other side wins. And especially those who don’t bother voting at all. Fuck those people.
My kid now has no bodily autonomy because of those selfish, thoughtless assholes.
If the Dem POTUS can't get his party in line to remove the filibuster for something as important as Roe... they're a bad party leader. Regardless, Obama straight up didn't try. In his own words, it "wasn't on the radar".
She got fewer votes than either of Obama's runs, actually. She did not campaign in key states. Her PR people bragged about not needing their votes. I did vote for her, I'm just capable of actually putting blame where it goes.