
Easy to lose sight of the significance here, but the sitting president just gave a speech condemning the Supreme Court for a ruling that expands presidential power. It’s also a president who stands to benefit from this ruling, given that his opponent is vowing to imprison him and his family.
He did the most Democratic thing ever, which was to agree with a meaningless dissent and then tell us that as President he didn't have the power or legitimacy to do anything about it and that it was up to us.
Just think: if we kept voting, we could elect a whole string of Democratic Presidents all of whom would tell us that they can't do anything and that it was up to us to elect another Democratic President who would also not be able to do anything.
Just think about it, we could have voted a string of democratic presidents that didn’t nominate these jackasses to the courts.
America will saved if we can vote Democratic forever with no turnover -- people criticize the US two-party system but they usually don't think that there have to be fewer parties for the system to work
"Win every election forever" isn't a viable strategy. Dems need to actually do something to combat this crap.
Democracy does not have a final win condition. Life and civilization are an ongoing process and pretending otherwise, that there's an ultimate destination, is the fascist fantasy. We don't need one-party rule, but we must win elections against the authoritarians forever, that's the "ever vigilant"
None of that addresses anything I said. The fascists are achieving their goals while the Dems sit back and watch. No plan, no strategy.
So what you’re saying is that you are willing to bargain with, and concede political ground to, fascists and right-wingers forever in the name of your Enlightened Liberal Values About Democracy. I’d rather not, thanks.
Alright, I'm game. What are we doing beyond working the levers of democracy?
idk about you but I spend most of my free time organizing alternate forms of political power via unions (labor, tenants, homeless, tribal etc) which *categorically exclude* Democrats, Republicans, and all of their moneyed donors. It is slow and unglamorous, but necessary to break the wheel.
That's the thing, Dems aren't working them. They're letting the GOP work them in the name of bipartisanship.
We need to win enough elections to give us the power to expand the court, enshrine Roe in law, and write ethics/anti-corruption laws with actual teeth. To say “gratuities” are the same as bribes, etc.
To explicitly give the agencies the power they had with Chevron. So much to do.
Oh, and impeach Alito and Thomas for corruption.
The time to start taking measures like that was 40 years ago when the GOP first started bragging about their plans. I fear they left it too late.
Well, when only about half of voters don’t come out to the polls, and we begged them to vote for SCOTUS in 2016 and they said women were overreacting…
Clinton received the 3rd most votes of any candidate to that point. She helped create Trump and didn't campaign in key states. Furthermore, Obama let McConnell ride roughshod over him and RBG refused to retire out of hubris. Obama promised to codify Roe, and had the numbers to do so.
But if we elect a whole string of democrats, we can change the Supreme Court. That’s worth it.
It’s adorable that you think that would work in a meaningful way.
so you're harder?
so hope for the best for like 30 years straight
In the last 32 years we've had 20 years of democratic presidents and the court is 3-6. Please try to learn
I was only able to retire early because of the ACA I am looking forward to the $2K annual out of pocket limit on Medicare drugs starting next January Medicare btw was LBJ I remember him He did mess up on a Supreme Court appointment Fortas, who resigned That has had bad effects for 55 years
ACA saved my brother’s life.
ACA keeps my medicine $5k a month. Thanks Obama!
I was on a basic silver plan Deductible was $2K per year for everything So there's no way I would have had to pay $5K/month or even $5K/year Maximum out of pocket was 8K for the bronze plans iirc I don't know what exact plan you're talking about
ACA does not set prices for medications.
(And Presidents don’t write the laws.)
The guy who ran on a public option couldn't do anything about the price of medicine? Boy. Trump is a dictator but democrats are feckless.
ACA does have annual out of pocket maximums afaik Mine was about $2000/year That's on top of premium Which was 250 or 300/month No idea where 5K/month on ACA happens
Not like Obama could have done anything about that. Lol You're here defending him.
Obama and Democrats did set annual out of pocket maximums for ACA plans And Biden and Democrats set annual out of pocket caps on drugs 2K per year starting next January
Out-of-pocket maximum/limit - Learn about out-of-pocket maximums/limits by reviewing the definition in the Glossary.
He had a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate for 3 months out of his entire presidency. Then the Senate flipped because voters did not back him up and he missed his chance.
If we had both Houses of Congress we could do something about it. Congress can expand the court.
Funny how the Democrats have had control of all three branches several times and did literally nothing big.