Seth Abramson

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Seth Abramson

Attorney. Author. Journalist.
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Reposted byAvatar Seth Abramson
(📢) PROOF: The Order Dismissing Donald Trump’s Stolen Documents Case in Florida Is Exponentially Worse Than You Think This free report—from an attorney, former federal investigator, and bestselling Trump biographer—holds facts and analysis you won’t find elsewhere. I hope you will share it widely.
The Order Dismissing Donald Trump’s Stolen Documents Case in Florida Is Exponentially Worse Than You The consequences of the ruling—legal and political—lie well beyond what major-media talking heads are acknowledging, and oddly are ruinous for not just our democracy but certain Trump talking points.
(📢) PROOF: The Order Dismissing Donald Trump’s Stolen Documents Case in Florida Is Exponentially Worse Than You Think This free report—from an attorney, former federal investigator, and bestselling Trump biographer—holds facts and analysis you won’t find elsewhere. I hope you will share it widely.
The Order Dismissing Donald Trump’s Stolen Documents Case in Florida Is Exponentially Worse Than You The consequences of the ruling—legal and political—lie well beyond what major-media talking heads are acknowledging, and oddly are ruinous for not just our democracy but certain Trump talking points.
(📢) NEW at PROOF: We Now Know What Really Happened in Atlanta 🔗: This report is very long, 100% free, filled with scores of reliable major-media links, and begins with an executive summary to make it easier to follow. I hope you’ll read and share it.
We Now Know What Really Happened in Media lied to voters about the cause of President Biden’s subpar debate performance. The lie—described here in full—is unforgivable, and was intended to chill discussion of Trump’s cognitive decline.
Reposted byAvatar Seth Abramson
(📢) FREE at PROOF: The Future of American Democracy Is Biden, Obama, or Bust 🔗: This essay takes a dramatic—and radical—view of the crossroads that America has come to. It’s not an easy read, but I hope a fulfilling one. Please consider sharing.
The Future of American Democracy: Biden, Obama, or Media may want an internecine bloodbath inside the Democratic Party as democracy hangs from a cliff, but it won’t happen. It won’t happen because data and history point to only three likely outcomes.
(📢) FREE at PROOF: The Future of American Democracy Is Biden, Obama, or Bust 🔗: This essay takes a dramatic—and radical—view of the crossroads that America has come to. It’s not an easy read, but I hope a fulfilling one. Please consider sharing.
The Future of American Democracy: Biden, Obama, or Media may want an internecine bloodbath inside the Democratic Party as democracy hangs from a cliff, but it won’t happen. It won’t happen because data and history point to only three likely outcomes.
Reposted byAvatar Seth Abramson
strong speech from Biden tonight
Reposted byAvatar Seth Abramson
Seth Abramson makes several good points listing why Joe Biden should stay in the race. 1) Republicans want him to drop out. 2) Democrats would lose the incumbent advantage. 3) He would immediately be a lame duck president. If you still have concerns please read this
The Extremely Simple Reason MAGA Wants President Joe Biden to End His If you’re a Democratic or independent voter who’s been suckered into the idea that Biden ending his campaign would do anything but ensure a second Trump term, it’s time to awaken from the fever dream.
Reposted byAvatar Seth Abramson
Reposted byAvatar Seth Abramson
Reposted byAvatar Seth Abramson
I’m fed up with the major-media bullshit today. This article obliterates the current media narrative about the presidential debate. PROOF: The Extremely Simple Reason MAGA Wants President Joe Biden to End His Campaign 🔗: This article is free—please share!
The Extremely Simple Reason MAGA Wants President Joe Biden to End His If you’re a Democratic or independent voter who’s been suckered into the idea that Biden ending his campaign would do anything but ensure a second Trump term, it’s time to awaken from the fever dream.
I’m fed up with the major-media bullshit today. This article obliterates the current media narrative about the presidential debate. PROOF: The Extremely Simple Reason MAGA Wants President Joe Biden to End His Campaign 🔗: This article is free—please share!
The Extremely Simple Reason MAGA Wants President Joe Biden to End His If you’re a Democratic or independent voter who’s been suckered into the idea that Biden ending his campaign would do anything but ensure a second Trump term, it’s time to awaken from the fever dream.
Reposted byAvatar Seth Abramson
Reposted byAvatar Seth Abramson
Reposted byAvatar Seth Abramson
(🎶) FREE at RETRO: The New Music Discovery Project, Vol. 21 I think you’ll like this new, RETRO-exclusive playlist. This series is one of the longest-running at RETRO, and RETRO subscribers often say they’ve discovered new favorite songs through it.
The New Music Discovery Project, Vol. These Retro-exclusive YouTube playlists offer a mix of contemporary genres curated by a former DJ, with linked side projects highlighting music from the 1960s and 1970s.
(🎶) The eighth Hounds album is here! Click the link below for the liner notes and a free track; the full album—and the seven prior full-length Hounds LPs—are provided as a Retro Music exclusive for full Retro subscribers. (Or you can use the free-trial-offer button at the link below to hear them.)
Retro Music Exclusive: Spycraft, by Spycraft is an electronic music album available only at Retro. It is the eighth album from Hounds.
(📢) BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump Is Violating His Gag Order Through a Low-Tech Conspiracy 🔗: This is a must-read for those who care about rule of law; the scope of Trump’s illicit plot is fully outlined. The report is free via the trial offer at the link.
BREAKING: Donald Trump Is Violating His Gag Order Through a Low-Tech Trump has been warned that he’ll be imprisoned if he violates his gag order again—but he’s doing it anyway. All prosecutors must do is read this report, notify Judge Merchan and request incarceration.
(📢) PROOF EXCLUSIVE: Are Far-Right Insurrectionists Infiltrating the Pro-Ceasefire Protests As Part of the Run-Up to the November Political Violence Trump Just Hinted at in Time Magazine? We *must* discuss this—please share this widely! (Free Intro; remainder free via the trial offer at the link.)
Are Far-Right Insurrectionists Infiltrating the Pro-Ceasefire Protests As Part of the Run-Up to the November Political Violence Trump Just Hinted at in Time Magazine? On social media, whispers have become chatter, chatter a chorus of concern. Is some percentage of these Gaza protests attributable to MAGA stagecraft? The evidence of inorganic mass action is growing.