
They do realize they could have written the same exact story swapping out “Joe Biden” for “Donald Trump,” right? And they do realize that a leader with a huge army of “superfans” is a *bad* thing in a complicated and diverse modern democracy, right?
Those of us who think Biden is doing a good job are now superfans? As if this is some radical, cult-like point of view?
At least Joe Biden "superfans" are at the level of like "yeah, sure I like Cheerios, oh, with oatmilk? No, it's fine, I'm fine, that's fine" and not like out to curb stomp people who don't agree
You clearly have never been the person who does not agree.
I dunno, I'm from New Jersey, we vocally complain about even shit we love dearly, so it's hard to be a "superfans" when your team goes to Superbowls and you're just like "oh, don't worry, they're gonna fuck it up in this last game." I actually find full-on blind fanship almost foreign.
I’m just saying I’ve been in discussions with Biden fans who definitely wanted to curb stomp me
I guess I wish I had 1/1000th that enthusiasm about anything. All the Biden fans around me are already pre-depressed we lost the 2024 election and just like "it's ok, we'll use our liberal magic to keep Seattle ok!"
Yeah they funny thing is a lot of the Biden superfans who call everyone who doesn’t like him fascists are the same people who voted for McCain because Obama upset Hillary
I just paid $2000 for a pair of silver Biden Birkenstocks. Hell, yeah, I’m a super fan.
2016 redo in overdrive. "Okay, just in case, we need to make sure we're "The Paper of Record" even in a fascist state, absent of democracy."
Why would I waste 6 minutes reading a NYT article?
I keep seeing affirmations to my having canceled my subscription. Thanks for sharing this latest one.
This is their response for folks who have been blowing up their feedback forms asking why they only do Trump diner safaris Never mind that they continue to bury the stakes behind mealy-mouthed headlines
Every choice the Establishment press has made since Trump has come on the scene has been the wrong one.
They are not even trying to hide it now. They are mocking the end of democracy