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I find it mathematically absurd huge swaths of our electorate or ready to give up against a guy with no road to 50%. He's a 46-48% guy. That will always, always, be beatable. He is mathematically incapable of "putting this away".
Do not obey in advance.
That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
The Founders anticipated all of this, and that is why they buried throughout the constitution various secret hints and rules that would, centuries later, make it illegal to notice or get mad when a powerful and extremely dumb guy repeatedly commits obvious oafish political crimes.
I can’t believe I have to say this but don’t try to kill a Presidential candidate and also don’t post about how it’s good that someone tried to do it
The reason polling keeps getting weirder is because every year, more and more normal people stop answering the phone for any reason
Like Google ruining search to push “AI,” corporations have become incentivized to damage their own products to chase investor trigger words. There’s no long-term strategy, only short-term gains. An entire economy of pump-and-dump companies.
WBD's stock price has tanked ~78% since David Zaslav was announced as CEO— $32.68 on 05/19/21 to $7.32, today— to say nothing of the brand loyalty, goodwill, & creative talent he's destroyed. It is amazing & genuinely horrifying that anyone could fail this badly, & remain in a position of authority
If John Tester, Sherrod Brown, Tammy Baldwin, Tina Smith, and Michael Bennet are all saying Biden’s a real liability to the Democratic Party then Biden’s weaknesses are probably not just a figment of some Beaudrillardian media hyperreality but are, in fact, real.
It's worth considering why the media - with many outlets funded by or directly owned by oil interests - does so many stories about difficulties of long road trips in EVs and so few about how you can fill your car up at home and never visit a gas station or charger ever.
I bought an EV in December. What has really surprised me, and I know I'm fortunate here because I own my own home, is how much more convenient it has been than the ice vehicle it replaced. Being able to essentially fuel your car up at home whenever you need is a complete game changer.
There’s a high level of delusion about the Biden situation on this site. That was not simply a bad debate. Quit blaming bad polls, an evil press, or whatever other MAGAesque excuses you come up with. We shouldn’t want someone as president who is having cognitive issues, and who is only getting older
To reiterate a point I just made in a response: There is a lot of evidence suggesting Trump is incapable of being president--regardless of what you think of his politics. We know from last term he doesn't read, doesn't process information well, and has an incredibly short daily work window...1/
American Airlines continues with its pattern of being the WORST FUCKING airline in America.
[I am suggesting that SCOTUS just ruled against count one in the Declaration of Independence justifying revolution against the crown, is what I’m saying]
You know what's crazy is you could easily write a historically compelling op-ed about how Trump should end his campaign because he's a convicted criminal who tried to overthrow the government and is only on the ballot/out of prison because of extremely corrupt judges he personally appointed
I've watched more president debates than is healthy. I can't recall one where both candidates were so unable to explain things in ways that are clear to ordinary people. All of this is inside baseball of one type or another.
This is the most childish thing I’ve ever heard in a debate. I’m the best!
Trump sounds totally insane
I hate to be an optics guy, but the optics don’t favor Biden here
This is the essence of this debate
Biden: [poorly delivered fairly drab talking point] Trump: [complete nonsense delivered with confidence]
Biden isn’t up to fight this
Star Wars Discourse is a sure sign I need to log off for the night.
Dems and reformers haven't hammered home how incredibly abusive the ability to choose when to retire is. it means absent accident justices can basically pick their replacements, all but erasing any democratic accountability
why go through all those search results and try to understand the breadth of human knowledge we at google have simplified your experience with our “just some guy” AI using patented “trust me bro” technology
The degree and the ever accelerating pace of Google’s enshittification is astounding. Facebook, etc., have always sucked, but Google used to be one of the good ones.
The underlying use case for almost every LLM app is "I don't want to build good habits." Writing habits, research habits, thinking habits all become replaced with a text box you can type into and instantly get back slop. And that's habit-forming too.
At work today, I used the word ask instead of request. As in, that’s the ask. I felt icky immediately after saying it.