
“Trump would be good for the economy” say the people who will vote for the guy sending fundraising emails promising to deport ~3% of the US workforce. This email was sent today.
That’s not to mention the tax increases necessary to fund a wall and the massive law enforcement mobilization required to deport 11 million people. And also not to mention the “Camp of the Saints” racist fascism animating Trump’s immigration policies.
Since the 1950s Democrats have proposed various policies that would provide health care for all Americans & the right has said “OMG, here come the authoritarian gulags!” Today Trump proposes actual gulags & a massive police state & the US right says either “oh, he won’t actually do that” or “COOL.”
We are going to loose...aren't we? Have the country and listens to Fox News and the other half reads the New York times 😵 Even with a massive push to The Onion.... I don't know how to get more people informed.
Look at to find things you can do. Don’t fall for the bullshit… Since 2016, polls have been skewed toward Rs and yet Ds keep winning. Now is the time to register new Dems, write postcards, make calls. Gather with other Dems. Rs want you to give up. Resist.
There are new polls out this am w Biden up by 5…but it will be up & down and it will be v close.
Oh! Is another epic Red Wave on the way?
Those of us that pay attention often forget or don’t realize how many just don’t bother. The real problem is how you get people to show up. The motivation to stop something has to outweigh enthusiasm most of the time. I think Obama was the only one elected on enthusiasm.
While the left insists all those policies are currently in place and trump would merely be a continuation of them with negligible change
And not to mention further that many countries won't take their people back (e.g. China). This would be an expensive and ugly train wreck if it goes forward.
And you think your groceries are expensive now? The GOP…….it’s the party of not thinking shit through.
I mean, it’s almost as if the economy isn’t really what motivates these voters at all!
This is the guy who put tariffs on intermediate inputs