
In good, Declaration of Independence form, the Heritage Foundation has not only declared their support for a 2nd American Revolution in the form of Trump 2.0, they are also assembling a long list of grievances, er, enemies to explain why that revolution is justified.
Team Trump Is Creating Blacklist of Enemies in Federal Worried about Republicans’ Project 2025? Meet Project Sovereignty 2025.
The history of the Marxist Deep State is a history of repeated injuries & usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over the people who have contributed to Donald Trump's campaign. To prove this, let facts be submitted to Newsmax, Dan Bongino, and War Room.
The Marxist Deep State has tried to pass laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. Unbelievable.
The Marxist Deep State has tried to stop the leaders of the Real American People from passing laws of immediate and pressing importance, like ones banning Muslims or allowing immigrants to be put in camps or allowing the President to declare that he actually won an election he lost.
The Marxist Deep State has appointed judges dependent on their own wills alone such that they feel free saying very mean and hurtful things to Donald Trump when he disobeys them. This can not stand.
The Marxist Deep State has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies that have become so woke and weak it's unbelievable, and not once did the so-called leaders of this army let Donald Trump use it to kill American citizens. Never again!
The Marxist Deep State has said the military doesn't have to immediately obey Donald Trump's will if he makes an unlawful order. Such tyranny will not stand!
One of the other guys corrected this to “2nd American Redemption” which more accurate and more in line with your point
What was the "1st American Redemption"? I don't think that the strong egalitarian elements and the hostility to state religion that was so strong in 1776 would have made today's Heritage Foundation very happy.
Oh, right: duh. Looks like I have July 4th etc on the brain. Or fried brain after 16 hours in the car yesterday.
With Ray Charles singing "America, The Beautiful" behind the scroll.
🔥🇺🇸🔥 In the face of Monday's #treasonous #SCOTUS' presidential immunity ruling, this #July4th #IndependenceDay is MUCH diminished. We have a new monarch called the "President." King George III must be 🤣🤣🤣 laughing his ass off in his grave. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Steph