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Here for a while.
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To determine a band's pork name just add "with bacon". For example... The Bacon Brothers... With Bacon
Make a band meatier My Capicola Romance
Make a band meatier Hot Tuna Oh wait that's already meaty.
Make a band meatier Einstürzende Sauerbraten
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Yet again, we see the loudest yelps of “1776 BAYBEE!!!” from Christian Patriots who don’t know the first fucking thing about the history of the country over which they claim to have exclusive ownership. 2 out of 8 ain’t bad, I guess.
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Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
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France dropkicked a baldly fascist political coalition out of office, imo if we can’t manage to do the same we should give back the Statue of Liberty
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OK: Biden’s not stepping down. Like it or not, good idea or bad idea, not happening. From here on out, you can either complain about it like a loser, or help him defeat fascism. Time to decide.
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New Yorker wants Joe Biden, whose admin has had historical success, to resign bc he's not doing well at running for re-election. This is not, in fact, what the 25th Amendment was made for.
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just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
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The odds grow stronger every day that everything won’t be OK.
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Here's a thread documenting the fascist genealogy of that nonsensical but rhetorically effective "we're a republic not a democracy" talking point.
The John Birch Society did not *invent* the "we're a republic, not a democracy" meme of course. The American fascists of the 1930s and 40s were quite fond of it as well. This screenshot is of 1946 testimony by Robert Edmondson included in his book "I Testify Against the Jews."
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It shall henceforth be known as Pence's Law.
I dont know. Ask Mike Pence
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This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
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"We are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children, what it once was like in America when men were free." — Ronald Reagan, about Medicare
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This coming week, temperatures in Death Valley will be the hottest in the recorded history of this planet. Beryl is the earliest category four storm in the history of Atlantic hurricane season. People, both now and in the future, need us to stave off fascism and build a world where they can live.
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"John Adams: A government of laws, and not of men Theodore Roosevelt: No man is above the law John Roberts: Presidents don't have to follow laws, at least not all of them, and if a president breaks the law, he's immune from legal consequences for life and you just have to deal."---Nicholas Grossman
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Reposted byAvatar coreload
In politics you can no longer take the moral high ground, cause that aint going to do you any good when you are in a camp with electrodes on your genitals. The thing to do is to kick these fucks to the ground now and stamp on their ball sack till it bursts.
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Administrative agencies: very dangerous, must be line edited by Matthew Kaczmaryk President: operates behind a curtain, no peeking
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Imagine carving out an exemption to "No one is above the law" for a convicted felon and rapist who organized a coup.
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Every day now feels like another January 6.
If you see this post a photo without explanation
If you see this post a photo without explanation
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At the Portland Timbers match last night the Star Spangled Banner was sung by a local drag queen. You know what the audience did? They cheered like crazy because it was a killer rendition of the song. Anyway, happy last day of Pride month.
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Three days after the debate every Sunday news shows invited an avowed election-denying fascist on the air in an overt effort to legitimize them as good-faith commentators The news media is openly pro-fascist
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It would be a shame if someone in Grants Pass built a manger on public property and then the city tore it down while some homeless people tried to sleep under it.