
Russ Vought, head of Trump's OMB, was the person who gave Chris Rufo and his "critical race theory" propaganda campaign it's big break in September 2020. Rufo, an obscure figure previously, had a Tucker Carlson appearance, then a few days later Vought reached out.
lotta names from the grim recent history of the far right - Cuccinelli, Von Spakovsky - but it’s striking to me how much a minor functionary from the first time around, Russ Vought, is rising up to be a Big Bad
The man behind Trump’s campaign against 'critical race theory' The programs Rufo targeted are intended to improve communication, defuse tensions and promote equal opportunities among co-workers of different races and ethnicities, and are analogous, or identical t...
It's possible that we wouldn't know who Chris Rufo is if it weren't for Russ Vought turning his BS propaganda campaign against "critical race theory" into a (short-lived), top-priority piece of the Trump administration's agenda in its dying days. It was their response to the George Floyd protests.
It took 3 days to go from a Rufo appearance on Tucker to the OMB drawing up a memo announcing a full-scale admin attack on the boogeyman the previously obscure Rufo had conjured up. This is how the Trump admin ran: angry know-nothing bloviates on Fox --> [3 days later] top priority WH agenda item.
Six months after Rufo's big break courtesy of Russ Vought, he was bragging on Twitter about how his propaganda campaign was intended to work.
I love the "no resources" claim by Rufo. It's as if his ideas just succeeded in the open marketplace...rather than being identified by Tucker's white nationalist show runners as a useful post-George Floyd talking point, and then immediately sucked into the Christian Nationalist world of Russ Vought.
Once Rufo started hitting the big time he had to go looking for an assistant. He decided to hire an alt-right shitposter who'd gotten the University of Washington College Republicans censured for being publicly obnoxious racists and homophobes.
This would be a good time to note that Chris Rufo's top assistant (who has worked for him since 2021) is a pepe-meme loving groyper shitposter who interacts on a regular and friendly basis with some of Twitter's most aggressively white nationalist and antisemitic accounts.
It would not be an overstatement to say that Rufo's assistant is a devotee of what we might call "uncritical race theory." For context, Steve Sailer is one of the leading voices in the far right, pseudo-scientific "race realist" community.
Came across one his boys Steve Friend applying for the Austin chief of police opening. Reichstag-looking mfer. 'Area of expertise: woke and weaponized'. Renew America website is absolutely insane.
I mean you just need to face reality. I’m superior to you and deserve to be. I mean it’s certainly obvious to me.