
Protesting Hillel and calling for its expulsion is basically calling for the expulsion of Jewish people from universities. At some unis, Hillel is the only place for Jews to get together for both religious and cultural events.
I think you're missing the fact that many of the protestors are Jewish. Hillel is Zionist and many chapters (though perhaps not all) aren't open to Jews who are opposed to settler colonialism.
we're aware that kids have had decades of anti-Jewish indoctrination from the progressive left. I witnessed it first hand as a Left Wing activist. Also, many of them are Messianic Jews (ie; Christians), which doesn't qualify as Jewish. That's just cultural appropriation of Jewish identity.
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Yeah, don't do this without offering a less problematic replacement.
It’s certainly not calling for Jews to be expelled but the problem is that most universities only have Hillel. There should be alternatives on campus.
Then put some energy into making alternatives.
Is it? It’s not calling the expulsion of a group that is promoting the war and glamorizing the IDF? That’s what it looks like to me.
Yep, the NYU encampment was cleared so as not to offend donors attending a major Hillel event happening in the building that evening. Confirmed by one of the cops at the raid.
I would say there's a big difference between asking a school to cut support for Hillel and demanding it be expelled. Are any groups calling for the latter? I'm pretty sure that if a school was materially supporting a group that advocated for Hamas we'd see some strong pushback.
Not toention the only place some Jewish students can easily eat/access kosher food.
Those are the types of things that a dialogue with the protesters can usually solve.
which is not to excuse Hillel's policy against free speech when it comes to Israel which brought about the Open Hillel movement
That is extremely hyperbolic. No one is required to join a student organization to attend school.
In the literal sense yes but removing unique religious accommodations from a school creates a practical choice between attending a school and adhering to religious beliefs. “You can attend but good luck not violating your religion” is not an acceptable outcome
No one is suggesting that anyone should stop practicing their religion, either. These protesters don't want an organization that advocates for a genocidal apartheid state on their campus, and that seems very reasonable. A specific student club is not necessary for the practice of religion.
There are many campuses where Hillel is essentially necessary for Jewish religious adherence. Create another organization that fills the same space at these campuses or support the Open Hillel movement but those are the reasonable options.
In the same way that there are many synagogues which support Israel and that’s bad but you don’t get to burn them down either.
Implying that I'm antisemitic because I don't support an organization that advocates for apartheid is a really stupid thing to do. It will breed real antisemitism in other people who see your post.
Serious question, I'm not trying to be aggressive: do you know any practicing Jews, particularly students? Do you know anything about the needs of people following a religious Jewish lifestyle?
Ok, thanks. I'm surprised, given your support for eliminating Hillel, but I suppose it is what it is.
Not at Baruch though. This is Jewish students condemning other Jewish students at an historically Jewish school