
Deva Woodly
Deva Woodly
Politics Prof.
Ian Carrillo
Ian Carrillo
Sociologist studying race, class, & the environment. Author of The Business of Racism: Revaluation & Reaction in Brazil's Racial Capitalism (under contract with Duke University Press). PhD at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Former NSF SPRF Postdoc at UCSB
John Russell
John Russell
Digital humanities librarian at Penn State, associate director of the Center for Virtual/Material Studies.
Jennifer Kaufmann-Buhler
Jennifer Kaufmann-Buhler
Design Historian and author of Open Plan: A Design History of the American Office (Bloomsbury, 2021)
Sarah Pickman
Sarah Pickman
Historian of exploration, extreme environments, material culture + outdoor gear. Hist. sci & med PhD, editor at Endeavour, History of Anthropology Review, and Global Maritime History. I unpack packing. She/her.
whet moser
whet moser
newsletters @ nyt. ex qz, chicago mag, chicago reader. i think ll cool j and canibus are *both* fantastic
Zac Gershberg
Zac Gershberg
∙professor of journalism/media at Idaho St. U
∙whole book thing (now in paperback)
∙Buffalo, Geaux, tennis stuff
Historian, avant-garde curmudgeon
Lee Vinsel
Lee Vinsel
Some dude.
Adam "Ask Me About Joe Lancaster" Laats
Adam "Ask Me About Joe Lancaster" Laats
US Historian at Binghamton U. Columbo fan. Books about schools, religion, conservatism. Now writing about the roots of US public schools, c. 1790-1860.
David Fedman
David Fedman
historian of Japan/Korea/the environment | words: | docs: | film:
Dr. Dominik Huenniger 🏳️‍🌈🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Dr. Dominik Huenniger 🏳️‍🌈🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
curator & environmental historian @ German Port Museum, Hamburg
EnvHist HistKnow HistSTM EntHist
HistOcean AnimalHistory QueerHistory
Hands-on-Historian 📜🗃️📗🧪
Founder of
Kate Carpenter
Kate Carpenter
Historian/writer. Creator, podcast. History of science PhD candidate at Princeton. Working on a history of storm chasing.
Liz Loveland
Liz Loveland
Historian & pro genealogist originally trained in anthropology & archaeology. Graduate/Postgraduate student. A few of my many research interests: slavery in the northern colonies/US, early modern era, women's history, African-American history, genocide.
Lindsay Keiter
Lindsay Keiter
Historian of marriage & family in early(ish) British America. Trying to manage as neurodivergent assist. prof. w/ 2 littles. Lapsed knitter.
Peter Van Cleave
Peter Van Cleave
Clinical Asst Professor of History, Director of Online Programs, ASU | Dutch-American Atlantic, Age of Revolutions, Religion and Politics in Early Republic
Andrew Wasserman
Andrew Wasserman
Art Historian. Etc.

The World Atlas of Public Art (Yale University Press, 2024) now available for preorder:
Molly Warsh
Molly Warsh
Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh. World History, Atlantic History, Iberian Empires and many other things, too. Editor, Journal of Early Modern History. Author, American Baroque (Omohundro/UNC Press, 2018)
J. Michael Butler
J. Michael Butler
Kenan Distinguished Professor of History @FlaglerCollege - Civil Rights, Southern, & Cultural History. Natural Heel. Posts don’t represent my employer (but should)!
LABOR: Studies in Working-Class History
LABOR: Studies in Working-Class History
The official journal for the Labor and Working-Class History Association (LAWCHA). A subscription to Labor is available through membership in LAWCHA.
Sara Damiano
Sara Damiano
Historian of early America. Author of To Her Credit: Women, Finance, and the Law in Eighteenth-Century New England Cities (JHU, 2021).
Andrew N. Wegmann
Andrew N. Wegmann
Asst Prof of History at Texas Tech | Prize-winning author and editor | Race | Early US Republic | Atlantic World | Liberia | New Orleans | Soccer | Maltese🇲🇹 | Views My Own
Helder Carvalhal
Historian and cat lover. Global economic and social history. Living Standards. Labour. Gender. War studies
Simon Newman
Simon Newman
Historian, gardener, cook (no necessarily in that order)
Jonathan S. Jones
Jonathan S. Jones
Historian at James Madison University | US Civil War era & History of Medicine | Writing a book, "Opium Slavery: Civil War Veterans & Opiate Addiction" | proud firstgen, former janitor, views mine |
Dan Morrison (he/him)
Dan Morrison (he/him)
Sociologist of science, technology, and medicine. Currently writing on antiblackness in higher ed, TBI, white ignorance. A host of The Annex, a sociology podcast. Department chair and runner.
Andrew Hickey
Andrew Hickey
That bloke who does that podcast your annoying friend keeps trying to get you to listen to. He/him

This is my personal account, not some page about my work.

Gus Lester, PhD
Gus Lester, PhD
Historian of Geosciences, Mining, and Settler Colonialism
Kris Inwood
Kris Inwood
Economic historian @UoGuelph w broad social science & historical interests: population health, First Nations demography, mobility, inequality & lives of the incarcerated. 🇨🇦🇦🇺🇳🇿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Editing Social Science History & Asia-Pacific Econ History
Tom “T.M.” Wolf
Tom “T.M.” Wolf
Director of Democracy Initiatives at the Brennan Center. Founder/Organizer of the Historians Council on the Constitution. By night, I write. My novel SOUND (FSG/Faber) and more:
Ulas Ince
Ulas Ince
Associate professor @SOAS; writes on colonialism, capitalism, race, political thought, political economy;
Morgan Pitelka
Morgan Pitelka
Historian of Japan, distinguished professor at UNC-Chapel Hill, specialist in material culture, urban history, environmental history; coeditor, Journal of Japanese Studies
Julia Lynch
Julia Lynch
UPenn policsci. Inequality, European and N American political economy, health policy, qual (mostly) methods, pedagogy, praxis, dogs. Not a sociologist or epidemiologist; occasionally play one on TV.
Thiago Krause
Thiago Krause
Assistant professor of the history of the Colonial Americas at Unirio. Co-author of “Império em Disputa” (FGV). Writing a global of Salvador da Bahia (1580-1763) with Christopher Ebert.
Cathleen D. Cahill
Cathleen D. Cahill
PSU Historian of US women & gender, race & citizenship in the GAPE. Currently working on a graphic history. 🖍️I’ve lived in all 4 continental time zones, but CA in the redwoods 🌲is home.
Rachel Franklin 🦚
Rachel Franklin 🦚
Population Geographer | Spatial Demographer.
Partial to words like orthogonal + heterodox.
Also very partial to shoes. +

Amy Froide
Amy Froide
British, women's and financial historian; Chair of UMBC History Department
Emmanuel Mehr
Emmanuel Mehr
Public Historian of/in Baltimore City | President Georgetown History MA '21 | NCPH Membership Committee | SABR Historian/Editor | Opinions Mine | He/Him
Laura Helton
Laura Helton
Historian. Archivist. Teacher of public humanities. Author of Scattered and Fugitive Things: How Black Collectors Created Archives and Remade History (forthcoming from Columbia University Press, April 2024).
Jordan Howell
Jordan Howell
History prof at the University of Manitoba. I study labor, business, and empire in the twentieth century. Currently writing a book about Alcoa in the US, British, and Dutch empires.
The JER Pano
The JER Pano
The Journal of the Early Republic and its digital platform, the Panorama.
Tamika Nunley
Tamika Nunley
Historian writing about Black women, liberation and justice. Cleveland girl, Nari and Sophie's Mom and Cornell prof.
Christopher Deutsch
Christopher Deutsch
Historian. Under contract: Beeftopia: The Red Meat Politics of Prosperity in Postwar America. Research postdoc at Mizzou. Views my own.
Gregory A. Hargreaves
Gregory A. Hargreaves
Historian of capitalism, environment, & technology in the longue durée. Assistant director of a center for advanced research. Delawarean. Dad. Spouse. PhD. First Gen. Hoopy frood.
melanie newport
melanie newport
UConn historian + author of This Is My Jail: Local Politics and the Rise of Mass Incarceration, a history of jailing in Chicago. series editor at Chicago Visions and Revisions, mother of a toddler. personal account.
Warwick Anderson
Warwick Anderson
Critical histories of science and medicine, science studies, postcolonial endeavours. New book on modern excrementalities: Spectacles of Waste (Polity). Writing mostly on disease ecologies and planetary health now. Living on Wangal country.
Amelia Carter
Amelia Carter
🌾 eco-anxious historiographer & queer beach professional • UPenn History & Sociology of Science • she//they
Eli Cook
Eli Cook
Historian writing a book about choice architects.
Paul Erickson
Paul Erickson
Minnesota, Chicago, Austin. NY, RI, Ann Arbor. Old books, gingham, Saabs, side tables. All opinions my own. RT ≠ endorsement.

Director of the William L. Clements Library at the University of Michigan.