Warwick Anderson

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Warwick Anderson


Critical histories of science and medicine, science studies, postcolonial endeavours. New book on modern excrementalities: Spectacles of Waste (Polity). Writing mostly on disease ecologies and planetary health now. Living on Wangal country.
A fairly balanced article on the 'long tail' of eugenics in Australia. Surprisingly, quotes me extensively. Let's hope it generates more historical analysis of the recursions of eugenics postWW2. Although patterns vary, the recurrent appeal needs critical study - surely a long tale! #STS #histSTM
Great science, uncomfortable history: Sir Gustav Nossal and the long tail of eugenicswww.theguardian.com Book says one of Australia’s most eminent scientists promoted discussion of eugenics in the 1960s and 70s, but not that he supported racist ideas – and researchers praise his thorough commitment to re...
Interesting contrast in institutional responses to past links with white nationalism, racism and Indigenous disposession. 20 years ago, I wrote about the involvement of the South Australian Museum and University of Adelaide in Aboriginal exploitation, receiving mixed responses. Now a push back?
One exclusive Australian institution is facing up to its deeply racist past while another backs away from it | Paul Daleywww.theguardian.com The University of Melbourne and the South Australian Museum are taking starkly different approaches to addressing their toxic histories
We are delighted to have Elizabeth Stephens as our keynote speaker, of the Australasian Health and Medical Humanities network. Presenters include Guy Geltner, Megan Cassidy-Welch @megancw.bsky.social, Aydogan Kars, Rose Byfleet, ++. Please share w/ interested folks. #publichealth #healthscaping
A reminder that Spectacles of Waste is now available 'everywhere', it seems. From Polity/Wiley or your preferred book provider. Sad to say, I'm already working on the sequel: waste in space, or spaceshit earth! www.politybooks.com/bookdetail?b... #STS #histSTM
I had no idea Hazan was a pediatric cardiac surgeon earlier in his career. An important figure in radical publishing, in the tradition of Maspero. What an interesting life. A nice memoir here: www.newstatesman.com/ideas/2024/0...
Éric Hazan, rebel publisherwww.newstatesman.com The leading French thinker has died aged 87. His cosmopolitan ease and intellectual industry is an example to the left.
The WHO's recognition of health impacts of climate change is tremendously important. Perhaps schools of public health and the training of health professionals will eventually catch up? Growing interest, still inadequate, from medical humanities, history of science & medicine, and STS #STS #histSTM
WHO General Programme of Work 2025–2028 prioritizes climate change and healthwww.who.int This initiative aims to safeguard health amidst climate challenges, foster synergies between climate adaptation and mitigation efforts, and prioritize vulnerable populations.
Went to the launch tonight of a very important history of the University of Melbourne's relations with Indigenous peoples: collecting, denial and attempted erasure. In the name of Western civilization. This seems to me an unprecedented historical reckoning. Already covered in the Guardian:
‘Denying history is simply lying’: how the University of Melbourne honoured racists, thieves and body snatcherswww.theguardian.com An unflinching examination of its own history has revealed shocking stories in the sandstone foundations of a revered institution
It seems Spectacles of Waste as a book is available in the US and UK (but Australia not yet). The electronic version available everywhere. As Anna Tsing kindly says, 'Anderson puts the "anal" back in analysis and the "colon" back in colonialism.' That's good, isn't it? #STS #anthro #histSTM #histsci
The RCC is organizing a workshop on "Imagining #Planetary #Health, Well-Being, and #Habitalibilty: Perspectives from the Environmental Humanities" in October 2024. The deadline closes soon! Read the full call here: www.carsoncenter.uni-muenchen.de/news/news_ev... #rccnews #envhum #cfp
I usually find Guardian interviews a bit flat, but I like this one with Warren Ellis from the amazing Dirty Three. So, whales are like Marlon Brando in the Godfather: 'I think they'd probably make the greatest therapists.' How true. I'd give the sandwich a miss though.
Warren Ellis on Steve Albini, Mad Max and the best sandwich: ‘Whipped cream and banana on white bread’www.theguardian.com Asked 10 random questions, the Dirty Three musician talks about watching bad TV with Marianne Faithfull, cleaning toilets and the best advice Albini gave him
I very much wanted to go next week to Canberra for the launch of Deborah Bird Rose's posthumous Dreaming Ecology - a very important study of Indigenous ecologies. I miss Debbie so much, hard to believe it's 6 years since we last heard her wise and warm words. Sadly, I'll be stuck in Sydney then.
Book Launch: Dreaming Ecology: Nomadics and Indigenous Ecological Knowledge, Victoria River, Northern Australia | School of Culture, History & Languagechl.anu.edu.au Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that this page contains images of deceased persons.
Should be an interesting lecture - but what really intrigues me is the image. @hanspols.bsky.social
I see grad students at Penn have unionized! I was one of a gang trying this in 1989-90 to no effect. We were denounced for imagining that US universities were run like business corporations. Looks like recent events proved us right. The anti-union grad students are now mostly senior administrators
Overwhelming majority of Penn graduate student workers vote to unionizewww.thedp.com The vote passed by a 1,807-97 margin. With this victory, the organization becomes the largest union at Penn in recent memory, representing over 3,700 workers.
So sad to learn of the death of Lyndall Ryan, a dear friend, vital colleague, and dedicated exponent of truth telling in the Australian history wars. Her determined documentation of Indigenous massacres transformed our understanding of the colonial frontier. A moving tribute from Ann Curthoys.
Lyndall Ryan’s impact on Australian history research will be felt for many years to come | Ann Curthoyswww.theguardian.com Ryan’s rigorous, public-facing study of frontier violence and massacres led to the massacre map, which continues to attract international attention. She was also a cherished friend
As it's still #earthday somewhere, worth sharing this plea for planetary health ethics. When Potter coined 'bioethics' just before the first Earth Day in 1970, he meant to connect medical ethics with land ethics and the biosphere. Now even more necessary, at scale. Open access. #STS #envhist #envhum
Toward Planetary Health Ethics? Refiguring Bios in Bioethics - Journal of Bioethical Inquirylink.springer.com In responding to perceived crises—such as the COVID-19 pandemic—in routinized ways, contemporary bioethics can make us prisoners of the proximate. Rather, we need bioethics to recognize and engage wit...
Congratulations to Geoff Bowker and Annemarie Mol, awarded the Bernal Prize of the Society for Social Studies of Science - for distinguished contributions to science and technology studies. This is the Society's lifetime achievement award. Nice images accompanying the announcement! #STS #histSTM
2024 John Desmond Bernal PrizeSearchMobile Menu4sonline.org