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Electricity for all, public power, green social housing, and a livable climate 💛 🌏🚰🔌🌱 they in San Francisco

Latest: “On Queer People in Climate and Energy”
I'm SO looking forward to learning from this. After November, no matter which way the election goes, we will need teaching like this since labor matters more than ever. i think it's going to be a great gift for the climate people in my life this year too. (Comes out Dec 3!)
Here's one example of what those costs look like instead of having abundant public investment in the basic social services any wealthy, modern society could provide to its citizens.
a green new deal for A-frames (the A stands for America)
Reminder: in California tenant and climate advocates are trying to enact new regulations that would give renters the right to demand that their apartments be kept at safe temperatures during a heat wave. Over 19 people died in the Bay Area this month. CA GND newsletter:
Retail "choice" has resulted in hardworking people overpaying corporations for electricity to the tune of $1.2 Billion dollars in just a few states, for short windows of time that were examined. It's a bad policy.
On Page 369 in Project 2025, they're laying claim to the legal-ish phrase "just and reasonable energy rates" and defining it to mean stopping climate progress. It's always used to protect corporate profits in the wonky discussions about energy. This narrows it to fossil fuel energy profits ONLY.
For anyone getting started thinking about the way utility companies affect our lives and are (or aren't) responsive to people's needs, i contributed to a short workbook that uses popular education principles to build an analysis within a group.
2.2 million people don't have power in Texas and it's 93ºF in Houston today and tomorrow. (pic unrelated)
Treated myself to these cheese cubes at the grocery store and they are SO GOOD. They’re kind of like if velveeta was an actual cheese (complimentary) and had little salty crystals hidden inside as a treat which is one of my favorite things cheese does.
Two and a half days ago i read a blog that was trying to interpret the latest model readings. Will link in next post. On the left: the model prediction as of Thursday at 7pm CT. On the right: same model, as of Friday at 1pm CT. Notice that this is still *not* predicting direct landfall on Houston.
This is ADDITIONAL revenue in just three years.
Reminded this morning of a quote from a session by Study & Struggle with Ruth Wilson Gilmore. “Abolition must be green; to be green it must be red; and to be red; it must be international.”
The steepest route i lived on was the 37 and can relate to this story so much. The mental gymnastics of walking or waiting on long headways. How skilled the drivers are. How much living there relied on them. 10 years without a car in SF all thanks to MUNI drivers.
And every climate transition story in the U.S. is a story about racism. 59% of Americans have more than 2 cars in their household. The cheapest EVs cost around $30,000, so electrifying most households tomorrow would require them to take on $70,000 in debt. Here's U.S. families net worth by race.
When your reading for the day is exactly about the designed and declared white supremacy of the public service commission of Georgia.
In declining to hear an appeal, the U.S. Supreme Court has decided that the state constitution of Georgia allows it to legally disenfranchise all Black voters in matters over the state's utility systems.
Supreme court declines to take up case alleging voter discrimination in Public service commission, which establishes regulation and sets rates for utilities, accused of disenfranchising Black voters
What do you think of an energy system that has resulted in 49 million households unable to pay their energy bills? It feels like 103ºF today in Pennsylvania and 27% of Pennsylvanians couldn't pay their energy bill, before the heat wave.
This isn't subtext. It's just text.
We have an opportunity to create a summer moratorium on utility shutoffs, expand medical protections and implement a whole host of reforms in billing, fees, and payment arrangements that will help households keep their bills affordable.
Learning the slides i give in college classes might be Tumblr coded lol
Across the country, the number hovers around 2,000. In MI, friends of mine point to Lansing as the largest in the state & most experienced.
Across the country, the number hovers around 2,000. In MI, friends of mine point to Lansing as the largest in the state & most experienced.
It's wild to consider how difficult it is to raise anywhere near $16MM for progressive grassroots organizations of any kind.
me reading your posts
me reading your posts
Absolutely loved watching this
Here’s our best little guy (happy birthday)
my childhood one is the former McDonalds over I-44 which everyone drives through on your way in or out of Tulsa and was billed as the World's Largest McDonald's when i was growing up. This Is Real America vibes.
the Bay Area’s is McMoons, the derelict McDonalds at NASA Ames in Mountain View that, until recently, was the home of archival data for the pre-Apollo 11 lunar mapping missions of the mid 60s
Me and this hole competing to be the “largest megaslump on Earth” on any given day
The folks living here love their community so much they made a series of quilts about it. The article shows just one panel, but i stopped by last year and here's just a few of them. Really terrific art by long time residents. "Moving in here was like moving into heaven."
Public power is as American as it gets, and every inch away from this has been the will of greedy robber barons and the corporations they set up and the government they bought out. Love this framing from the bill authors.
New York said y'all queer people probably can't afford our electricity service but by god is ConEd going to respect your pronouns