
tiffani, unhuman
tiffani, unhuman
[Ae/she] 🏳️‍⚧️
Into screenwriting, solarpunk, afrofuturism, bimbohood, transsexualism, California, and bodily autonomy. AuDHD porcelain doll.
You are the revolution. discord: aetheria11
Egregious Philbin
Egregious Philbin
37 | he/him. musings for amusing and disabusing. industrial engineer, organizer in Texas. Posts on antifascism, PIC abolition, social ecology + liberation theology. Podcast fiend.
John wasiutynski
John wasiutynski
Portland, OR guy likes to bike, environmentalist focused on climate justice, clean air, clean water, safe climate, views my own.
Hannah Dion-Kirschner
Hannah Dion-Kirschner
Terrestrial C cycle, isotope biogeochemistry, DEIJ in STEM, climate justice 🌏 PhD candidate at Caltech but midwesterner at heart ❄️ learning cool stuff about the Earth!
Joseph D. Ortiz
Joseph D. Ortiz
Oceanographer, Climate Scientist; Environmental Remote Sensing; Energy and Sustainability; Professor, husband, father #FirstGen Views my own; Google scholar:
Jung Choi "I dissent!"
Jung Choi "I dissent!"
Retired Biology faculty from Georgia Tech. Headed up the MS Bioinformatics program until 2022. Still active as a PULSE Fellow, promoting student-centered pedagogies and departmental transformation in undergraduate life science education.
Rose Kristoffersen
Rose Kristoffersen
Agronomist, ph.d in cultivar mixtures for disease control, currently herbicide development and nitrification inhibitors for climate at Corteva Agriscience.

Mostly here to read about climate solutions, tech and politics.
Alex Miller
Alex Miller
Environmental researcher/writer/designer, currently at Urban Ocean Lab
Stefan C. Aykut
Stefan C. Aykut
Sociology & Politics of Climate Change @ Universität Hamburg
Mercator chair on the social dynamics of ecological transformation
Tweets also in German, Turkish and French.
Doug Gordon
Doug Gordon
Co-host, The War on Cars podcast. Writer, TV producer, creator of other things. I run a lot. (he/him)
Mark Lubell
Mark Lubell
Professor Mark Lubell directs the UC Davis Center for Environmental Policy and Behavior. Water, agriculture, climate, conservation, social science. Thinkology.
Daniel Rubin PsyD
Daniel Rubin PsyD
clinical psychologist specializing in psychotherapy for healthcare professionals. climate. trauma & post-traumatic growth. queer middle aged punk. dad of twins. painter of paintings. healer for healers.

there's no back to normal, so go forward to weird.
Håkon Nordhagen
Håkon Nordhagen
Physics, climate change, system change, agrowth. Lover of nature and spend as much time in it as possible. Doing applied research for a living. Knows a lot about materials, and wish I knew more about the rest.
Germany | Electricity Grid
Germany | Electricity Grid
Søren Have
Søren Have
Heading mobility at Denmark’s green think tank CONCITO.
Living in Frederiksberg, Denmark.
M.Sc. & PhD (math).

Follow me if you are into climate action, transport/mobility and related areas. Here I write mostly in English, but occasionally in Danish.
Lior Hamovitz
Lior Hamovitz
PhD student @ Boston University || CSSN scholar || 🏳️‍🌈🎗️

🌿 regional climate ethics // intersectional environmentalism 🌿
Joey Gurney
Joey Gurney
Currently working in Local Gov strategy. Casual China watcher and former think tanker. School governor and charity trustee.
Paul N. Edwards
Paul N. Edwards
History, politics of climate science, climate change, and knowledge infrastructures. Stanford prof. Director, STS Program and Co-Director, Stanford Existential Risks Initiative. Odds that industrial civilization survives this burning century: ???
Alix Hui
Alix Hui
Historian of science, environment, sound, and silence. Raising small kids through covid. Pie hobbyist. The Johnny Appleseed of googly-eyes.
Chelsea Harvey
Chelsea Harvey
Climate reporter | E&E News by POLITICO | Itinerant Southerner | Tip me: [email protected] / [email protected]
Digging Fork NZ
Digging Fork NZ
Human geographer, environmental planner & gardener.

Looking for the stories to understand this time of unraveling.

Aotearoa New Zealand, Whakatu Nelson. Tangata tiriti. She/her.
Luke Sanford
Luke Sanford
Assistant Prof. at Yale School of the Environment
Chris Anderson
Chris Anderson
I study evolution, ecology, & behavior and teach at a Hispanic Serving Institution. Interested in Broadening Participation in STEM. Greater Chicago Area. He/him.
Miles Grant
Miles Grant
Progressive, climate hawk, urbanist, YIMBY, Bostonian, dad. Current: Advocacy communications. Past: Journalist, CREW, NWF, blogger (
Kim Simmons
Kim Simmons
Feminist Sociologist
Climate Justice
Part-Time Faculty
Title IX & ERA advocate
ABDing about the built environment and tourism in NM @ UT Austin 🌸 she/her/ella 🌸
Meredith Rose
Meredith Rose
Grumpy feminist lawyer. Giant nerd. SFFHR writer with ADHD. Senior Policy Counsel, Public Knowledge, ✨ on sabbatical ✨ . Copyright, tech, music, AI, fandom. I talk about stuff. She/her 🏳️‍🌈
Sharon Kuruvilla
Sharon Kuruvilla
political theologian at the ministry for the future
Fatima Ayub
Fatima Ayub
Political analyst focused on global conflict and security, Afghanistan, the Middle East and US politics. Purveyor of quality nonsense. Rare Afghan with two names.
Burrito Justice
Burrito Justice
tacos en paz, burritos en guerra

NPR: “a little bit of a burrito thought leader”

senior member of TAPBL (The All Powerful Bike Lobby)
Mark Madsen
Mark Madsen
Decision support, design, architecture, augmenting human analysis, organizational systems, cybernetics and sociotechnical systems, complexity, GOFAI, urban planning, botany, art, dada
"we have to be optimistic because the grift dies if we’re not"
James P. Collins
James P. Collins
PhD student researching (im)mobility, well-being, and climate adaptation, UNC Chapel Hill City & Regional Planning
he/him/y’all 👋🏼
This place is not a place of honor. Nothing of value is here. What is here was time wasted. It is dangerous and should be repulsive to you. This bio is a warning of danger.
Dr. Johnathan Flowers, Blade Wielding Bisexual (Lordean arc)
Dr. Johnathan Flowers, Blade Wielding Bisexual (Lordean arc)
Martial artist, motorcyclist, pragmatist, comics philosopher, queer phenomenologist.

Assistant Professor @CSUN. Japanese philosophy, race, gender, disability, tech/AI. Inquiries: [email protected]

Rider of the mind shaitan. He/Him/His 🏳️‍🌈
Frankie Huang 黄碧赤
Frankie Huang 黄碧赤
✨ Beijing儿 American changeling ✨ culture / food writer | illustrator | semiotician | co-editor | sr editor | she/her
Lilly Wachowski
Lilly Wachowski
Trans Giantess.
Elad Nehorai
Elad Nehorai
Ex-Hasidic, pro-good-trouble | Writer: extremism, antisemitism, & how tech spreads both | MSNBC, DailyBeast, HuffPo, the Forward & more | Founder: | Newsletter:
🏳️‍⚧️ High Plains Grifter
🏳️‍⚧️ High Plains Grifter
NYT-bestselling, Hugo-nominee authoress of RINGMASTER, TRUE BELIEVER, and THE GENESIS OF GENESIS. Upcoming: HOLLYWOOD FREAKS. Pictish Judeo-Tranarchist. She/her.

Discord: abrahamjosephine

מִדְּבַר־שֶׁ֖קֶר תִּרְחָ֑ק
Nails Nathan
Nails Nathan
loves art, history, novels, hiking, and everything about getting everyone the resources and systems we need to thrive.
Retro Tech Dreams
Retro Tech Dreams
Retro tech, early web & vintage computing. 80s, 90s, 2000s nostalgia. Follow for daily posts.
Nigerian Journalist 🇳🇬 | Story Teller | Politician | YouTube Partner | Citizen of the World
mamday (they/them)
mamday (they/them)
Aspiring data librarian, public library volunteer. Atheist. BS/PhD physics, session 5 of 12 at Syracuse U. MSLIS
Inst: mamday1
Tktk: maxamday
Aunt Ted
Aunt Ted
Watchlist Gang
Omaha Street Medics
Emily Cassidy
Emily Cassidy
Science writer and researcher, focused on our home planet 🌏 Currently writing at NASA Earth.
Molly Shah
Molly Shah
Curly hair enthusiast, ☭, mom, abortion aficionado, misplaced Kentuckian, Berliner, Colonel Sanders chronicler, recovering lawyer, contributing writer Social Media etc for
Always Antifascist
Sarah J. Jackson
Sarah J. Jackson
Professor studying the role of Media & Tech in Movements for Justice | Co-director Media, Inequality & Change Center | Currently Writing a Cultural History of African American Mediamakers

Opinions definitely my own.
Matt Lanza
Matt Lanza
Meteorologist in Houston #housky helping business manage weather risk. Editor: The Eyewall also at Space City Weather

Rutgers grad, dad x2, husband. I like books, news, the desert, Willamette wine, and sports. Be good to each other.
Eric Berger
Eric Berger
Senior Space Editor, Ars Technica. Likes rockets.
Space City Weather
Space City Weather
No-hype source for Houston-area weather forecasts. Operated by Eric Berger and Matt Lanza. #housky #houwx
Cyrena Touros
Cyrena Touros
cultural critic talking about new music, gender, labor, social structures, queer stuff, etc.

looking for a job outside journalism

member & organizer • FSP-NWU

Floridian white-knuckling her way through it