
I gotta be blunt and honest right now, because I'm tired of delivery drivers being absolute shit. I get it, you don't earn much and tips are your lifeline because shitty corporations care more about profit than employee well-being. But disabled people rely on delivery services to eat. 1/
Disabled people need groceries too. We depend on delivery drivers to bring our food to us without damaging it or tampering with it, or like what happened to me today, without purposefully sitting it out in the pouring rain instead of on the covered porch. 2/
When you decide to fuck with a person's food delivery order, you may be taking away food from a disabled person. You may be placing an undue hardship on someone who otherwise cannot get access to food. Someone who doesn't drive. Someone who actually fucking TIPS their drivers. 3/
Last weekend, a delivery driver went through my food order after taking it out of the bag, unsealing it, and then after touching it, sat the box and bag on my chair outside, outside of the sealed bag. Today, my entire grocery order was soaked and boxes were all soggy and I had to clean my floors. 4/
I did not have the spoons for this. The delivery wasn't even that hard, I live on the first floor with a fully covered porch. I tipped my driver as much as I could afford right now. I cannot help it, I need to eat too, but I'm poor and today was the first day my food stamps were refilled. 5/
I'd go into a store if I could. I wouldn't rely on delivery if I didn't have to. It's already bad enough that the few times I did go to the store and use a motorized cart (the one you sit on), people bullied me, stood in my way, and watched me like a hawk if I dared to stand up to get something. 6/
I'm fucking tired. I'm stressed, melting down, and I'm supposed to be reducing stress for the sake of my heart, dysautonomia, and my GERD flaring badly every time stress is triggered again. I didn't have the spoons to clean the floors and wipe down 2 weeks worth of groceries. 7/