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Author of dark LGBTQ+ speculative fiction | 30s | Nonbinary trans masc (they/them) | Gray-ace | Plural | AuDHD | Disabled | Mental Health Awareness

Finally talked to a Spotify rep & they said that email wasn't from them, but that makes no sense 'cause they said my account hadn't been compromised either. Somehow, a random person got a playlist ID & was able to delete the image from it & hide the whole playlist??? Without accessing my account???
Can I go a fucking week without there being a problem? ONE week.
I set up everything at my desktop for streaming, so I guess one way to overcome my social anxiety will be to just stream something. Maybe tomorrow, depending on how I feel. I'll pick a game then.
Hey #monsterfuckers, I got ARCs 👀 Let me know if you want one 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
If you happen to know anyone or any review blogs that might be interested in a queer book that's T4T (transmasc enby x trans man), darkly humorous horror, and has campy b-horror and early Tim Burton vibes as well as lots of spicy scenes with monsters, let me know or send them this page:
It's Only A Little Being dead never felt so good...
Ready for THE CHILDREN’S HORROR, out today from Northern Republic Press? Check out the reactions from those who’ve already been exposed to the Horror…
Nevermind on the fundraising for new body care stuff. A friend just messaged me and said she'd get the stuff for me 😭
Explain your book/WIP in one sentence badly. Neurodivergent cinamon roll gets pounded by a bunch of monsters in the underworld so they can become the living dead for 24 hours for the sake of revenge.
Explain your book/WIP in one sentence badly. Single dad spends 60,000 words going, “Pretty sure this dude just unkilled me, and oh shit he’s cute” 🌈📚
Buzzing for people to read my two little short stories I've got coming out this year !!! One is a transmasc spin on the pulp sci-fi genre with spore creatures and yearning, one is M/F erotica inspired by a combo of John Wick and the Dudes of the RGG games so uhhhh, the duality of man amirite? 📚💙
*Logs onto Bsky* 'You have 30+ notifications.' "OMG did one of my book posts finally--" '...sorry that was an error lol we meant like 3.' 🥲 I was so excited for a second.
In The Requiem Series, the books are based on my life experiences as a person who's disabled by mental illness. Diagnoses are mentioned with honest and blunt language, and I felt that was important because of the lack of conversations about mental illnesses also being disabling. #LateNightWrite
#LateNightWrite It's Disability Pride Month, folks! In what ways are disabilities addressed/portrayed in your story and what significance does that representation have to you personally? Quote or reply below using the hashtag!
Explain your book/WIP in one sentence badly. Neurodivergent cinamon roll gets pounded by a bunch of monsters in the underworld so they can become the living dead for 24 hours for the sake of revenge.
Explain your book/WIP in one sentence badly. Single dad spends 60,000 words going, “Pretty sure this dude just unkilled me, and oh shit he’s cute” 🌈📚
Got cleared to announce that will be publishing my fantasy novelette “Steel Holds the Heat’s Memory” in a future issue!
Story acceptance!! ✨
Remember the Breaking News Consumer Handbook:
Drawings by me of objects from Twin Peaks: The Return: Parts 1-4
I promise I'll chill on promoting my new release after it's out 🙈 I'm just struggling to get support anywhere and I'm not sure what else to do other than just keep sharing every day a few times, hoping something will take off. All my extra money next month will go into ads & hard copies to give away
It particularly drives me mad when they claim AI allows disabled people into the industry...a large % of the arts industry (like me) ARE disabled, and work as freelance creatives in large part because we aren't accommodated in 'regular' work environments. AI is taking away our only available income.
I haven't mentioned, but It's Only A Little Death is live for pre-orders! I've never had a successful pre-order period, so I'm really hoping to change that this time 😤 It would make me super happy 💜 ✍️🔥👀📚😱🌈📚💙📢📚 Here's the universal link! (For more info, check quoted post)
Why you absolutely should not read It's Only A Little Death... ...but just in case you still want to: #monsterfucker #horrorwriter ✍️🔥👀📚😱🌈📚💙📢📚
Available now at your favorite digital store! It's Only A Little Death by Shane Blackheart
A signal boost would be a colossal help! Right now my novel BEDFELLOW is on sale for $1.99 on Kindle. I have no idea how long the sale will last.
I haven't mentioned, but It's Only A Little Death is live for pre-orders! I've never had a successful pre-order period, so I'm really hoping to change that this time 😤 It would make me super happy 💜 ✍️🔥👀📚😱🌈📚💙📢📚 Here's the universal link! (For more info, check quoted post)
Why you absolutely should not read It's Only A Little Death... ...but just in case you still want to: #monsterfucker #horrorwriter ✍️🔥👀📚😱🌈📚💙📢📚
Available now at your favorite digital store! It's Only A Little Death by Shane Blackheart
If this does happen to be something you're into (the quoted post), I've got ARCs to give 👀 Just fill out this quick form so I can send an ARC to you:
Why you absolutely should not read It's Only A Little Death... ...but just in case you still want to: #monsterfucker #horrorwriter ✍️🔥👀📚😱🌈📚💙📢📚
It's Only A Little Death - If you'd like a free copy of It's Only A Little Death, a queer campy erotic horror, before it's released in exchange for an honest review, and you're over 18, fill out the form below! ARCs will be an ...
If this does happen to be something you're into (the quoted post), I've got ARCs to give 👀 Just fill out this quick form so I can send an ARC to you:
Why you absolutely should not read It's Only A Little Death... ...but just in case you still want to: #monsterfucker #horrorwriter ✍️🔥👀📚😱🌈📚💙📢📚
It's Only A Little Death - If you'd like a free copy of It's Only A Little Death, a queer campy erotic horror, before it's released in exchange for an honest review, and you're over 18, fill out the form below! ARCs will be an ...
Why you absolutely should not read It's Only A Little Death... ...but just in case you still want to: #monsterfucker #horrorwriter ✍️🔥👀📚😱🌈📚💙📢📚
ARC requests are open for my next book! And you've got plenty of time to read before it's released in late September 💙 If you'd like a free copy in exchange for a short, honest review, fill out the form in the quoted post. (alt txt available, cover description in 2nd pic) 📚😱🌈📚💙📢📚🌍 #WritingCommunity
Final edits are done for It's Only A Little Death, so it's ready for release in September! ARCs are ready, so if you want one, fill this out: If you want to learn more about the book, you can find a trailer, summary, content warnings, & excerpt here:
It's Only A Little Death - If you'd like a free copy of It's Only A Little Death, a queer campy erotic horror, before it's released in exchange for an honest review, and you're over 18, fill out the form below! ARCs will be an ...
Some of my drawings of power lines around Detroit from the first half of this year #PortfolioDay