
Here are some of the colonial projects of tech fascists, backed by a16z + paypal mafia - marc andreessen, peter thiel and balaji srinivasan through the venture capital firm Pronomos:
Prospera in Honduras Here, venture capitalists are invading Honduras against the express will of the government and people. They are holding medical experiments on the site and building has already caused erosion, an environmental threat to the reef system.
They have intimidated the indigenous people of the island, and are suing Honduras for $11 billion under predatory international trade law as Honduras tries to expel them. This represents 2/3 of Honduras GDP. Prospera has continued to threaten both locals and the government of Honduras.
They recently announced the creation of "Prospera Africa" based on the same model, and Prospera was recently seen meeting with the fascist dictator of El Salvador, Bukele, who has been transforming the country into a police state while welcoming in the venture capital economy.
Bukele has imprisoned over 70,000 people in the largest prison in the Americas while opening the doors to "crypto tourism", providing citizenship to venture capitalists and the tech/crypto class for $1 million in Bitcoin, and installing crypto VCs in the government and as economic advisors.
In Nigeria, the Pronomos colonial project is called Itana. Despite being located in Nigeria, the site exists outside of the jurisdiction of the Nigerian state. In order to make way for this zone, there has already been displacement of the people without compensation.
Also of concern in Africa is the Pronomos project Afropolitan, which has the same underlying goal of all Pronomos projects: creating new nation-states bootstrapped from digital communities. This is about creating a distributed venture capital sovereign state.
The most developed vision and largest project we know of, is Praxis. While they haven't disclosed their "host government" in the Mediterranean, they claim to be in final negotiations and are issuing visas to the country of Praxis.
In Palau, a strategic military location, Pronomos is already deep in bed with the government with its colonial project Metropolis. Metropolis has a significant component of crypto currency, as in all sites, as well as tokenization of land and real estate. Here, again the drive towards sovereignty.
A project that has blessedly stalled due to the non-cooperation of the "host country", is Yung Drung City in Bhutan. However, the attempted colonial project highlights how the VC's aspiring sovereign states, aim to serve as an mass entry point for other venture tech companies into a host country.
This includes weapons startups, biotech startups seeking to do unregulated medical experiments, and crypto startups of all kinds.
What is the end game here? It is a concept called The Network State, a distributed, sovereign venture capital nation-state. THIS is the ideology of fascist venture capital and THIS is their goal and what they are doing. They say it themselves over and over.
We don't have to "guess" what they are doing -- they have published books, held conferences, developed social media and crypto communities, built influencers, attained land, sued governments, displaced and threatened local communities. Same money behind the land grab in Solano County, California.
Venture capital is trying to "exit" into their own sovereignty. America has become a great constraint on them in terms of taxation, regulations, civil liberties, crypto and medical testing. They want to start their own nation-state. Distributed, with a crypto economic system and new legal framework.
More reading: This is the best mainstream article about the plot, which broke the full scope of the colonial project as the Network State: Here is a compilation of research on the progress of venture colonialism:
Status of Venture Colonialism + Settlements In the Global South —