
literally insane to me that people continue to accuse me of "trolling by pretending to care about social justice issues because i'm a con artist, grifter and troll" talking points manufactured by actual fascists to discredit my work in the last round
like this doesn't even make sense and is in no way indicated by my record in social justice, while the people who are usually levelling such comments are people who have benefitted enomormously in their personal and corporate careers and platforms for their "social justice"
i've never made a cent off of this work, in fact, i spend tons of my own fucking money and continue to, like i don't want to even say how much money i've spent on this. i have ALWAYS avoided the press, speaking appearances, magazine portfolios etc. turned down so many jobs and "opportunities"
and for 12 years, rain or shine, hated or loved, i have never cared and kept doing my work. while i get accused of being an attention seeking troll by people who got their fancy corporate jobs with watered down feminism cool
i've never: - had any kind of corporate or non profit job in social justice whatsoever - 0 grants, 0 speaking gigs - made any money on this - benefitted from any kind of social support/community (trust and believe that) - deviated from my analysis so where is it? what is the problem? i am real af
these lies and OPS were created by : britebart, bannon, milo, jason calacanis, the paypal mafia and its ops, 4chan, 8chan and kiwifarms, hackernews and reddit fascists yet pussy fucking centrist liberals in tech and media need this narrative because MY narrative exposes them as hacks and cowards