Shannan Clark

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Shannan Clark

Historian of labor, media, and cities. Teacher and trade unionist. Author of The Making of the American Creative Class (Oxford, 2021): Now working on the history of District 65 in the 1960s-90s & also the history of TV in NYC.
The cutest part of the day for me was when one of our students (now graduates) stopped me on the street outside beforehand to get me to put on his tie for him.
Hey everyone out there at a fancy university run by authoritarians: I just want to let you know that we had a very nice commencement today for all of our working-class, immigrant, and 1st-gen students at our underfunded state comprehensive institution.
Hey everyone out there at a fancy university run by authoritarians: I just want to let you know that we had a very nice commencement today for all of our working-class, immigrant, and 1st-gen students at our underfunded state comprehensive institution.
As a Gen-X punk degenerate who belatedly attempted to become a semi-reputable educator and trade unionist, Albini's death hits hard. Big Black's cutting satire was an early primer on the evils in our society that had to be fought. Plus, he was born to post. RIP.
Steve Albini, Storied Producer and Icon of the Rock Underground, Dies at The Shellac and Big Black frontman, who recorded classic albums by Nirvana, Pixies, PJ Harvey, and more, died of a heart attack
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Damn, I used to teach the K-TEL greatest hits of Western Civ in this building.
20 years ago today, our grad employees union at Columbia University (part of UAW Local 2110) began an open-ended strike for recognition. That July, W's NLRB overturned our collective bargaining rights. Pictured here (and following) are some of the greatest comrades out there. #Solidarity
Right now the NYPD is raiding the Palestinian solidarity encampment at Columbia University. I'm absolutely outraged by the university administration's embrace of right-wing authoritarian repression.
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My report, "Police Collective Bargaining and Police Violence," which recommends reforms to collective bargaining policies that can increase accountability for police violence, is now available through Community Change. Check it out!
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“The union election for Penn's graduate student employees has been postponed indefinitely, just days before students were scheduled to head to the polls… ‘Because of our visible power, the university administration is using legal mechanisms to try to delay + demoralize us,’ GET-UP wrote.”
Penn graduate student workers' unionization election postponed The election, which was scheduled for April 16 and 17, was postponed on April 11.
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"This 'burnout' that secure scholars are feeling is phantom pain where their colleagues should be. Or, to use a term that every other normal worker in the US uses to describe their workplace under these conditions: you are suffering from the effects of intentional systemic understaffing."
A Profession, If You Can Keep Imagined meritocracies mean little to extractive institutions.
Doing my taxes while I watch the Knicks trash the Celtics in Boston.
Hey all you 🗃️ historians: Today I was excited to receive the very 1st submission for the very 1st Joe William Trotter Jr. Prize offered by for the best 1st book in urban history. Geographical and chronological scope is open. It's like lotto: you gotta be in it to win it.
Listening to The Jam while I take a break from grading to do some dishes and put together the trash and recycling, because I'm an oldster.
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Just re-ran numbers H-Net job listings in history--tenure-track job searches for the 2023-2024, were around the low-water marks set in 2015-2017, and notably worse than 2021-2022. Drops seem even across time periods. See the notebook for some breakdowns.
NewsGuild journalists are on strike against the Austin American-Statesman, whose corporate owner Gannett is responding to their reasonable demands by hiring scabs. The fight for decent jobs in local journalism is the fight for democracy in the US. Please contribute if you can.
Austin American-Statesman NewsGuild Strike Fund, organized by Paul My name is Paul Albani-Burgio and I am a city and breaking news rep… Paul Albani-Burgio needs your support for Austin American-Statesman NewsGuild Strike Fund
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Strongly urging fellow members of the huge new AAUP-AFT Local 6741 to vote United Faculty for the Common Good.
United Faculty for the Common
I thought the only fault line running through Jersey was the hero/hoagie divide.
Damn, anyone else in NYC feel that tremor just now?
About halfway through the presentation, he put up a slide that listed (and ranked) the bond ratings of all of the public institutions of higher ed in NJ. It was at that moment that I realized that 2 of the schools on the list were going to close, with potentially 2K-3K lost jobs.
This morning I attended my (still-newish) university president's first-ever public presentation on the institution's budget for the next fiscal year. I'm still reeling from it. Beer is helping (a little).
This morning I attended my (still-newish) university president's first-ever public presentation on the institution's budget for the next fiscal year. I'm still reeling from it. Beer is helping (a little).
Hey Bluesky Historians! Do you want a new AHA executive director who will fight to save History (🗃️) as an occupation and as an intellectual discipline? Please consider adding your name to this letter sponsored by Scholars for a New Deal for Higher Education.
Scholars for a New Deal for Higher Education Letter to AHA Council Regarding Search for Executive March 19, 2024 American Historical Association Council 400 A Street SE Washington, DC 20003 Dear Professor Glymph, Professor Muir, President Vinson, Professor Hyde, Professor Thomas, Professor Hill...
Setting aside for a sec the immorality and depravity of the genocide in Gaza that Biden is enabling, a 2nd Trump presidency would be absolutely devastating. I wish the Dems would start acting in ways that increase their chances of victory, and quit acting in ways that make them more likely to lose.
I voted blank today in NYC to send a message to Genocide Joe.
I voted blank today in NYC to send a message to Genocide Joe.
So this happened yesterday...