
"This 'burnout' that secure scholars are feeling is phantom pain where their colleagues should be. Or, to use a term that every other normal worker in the US uses to describe their workplace under these conditions: you are suffering from the effects of intentional systemic understaffing."
A Profession, If You Can Keep Imagined meritocracies mean little to extractive institutions.
I would say that the extractive mindset believes that meritocracy is created by maximising suffering and minimising support.
Merit in the executive mind is being born rich, nothing else. Principals and PIs are just bigger oxen.
Intentional or otherwise, common in nonprofits, too.
One guess where the author of this piece works now.
It's odd to me people seem to be suggesting this is unique to one type of institution. It's extremely common in the private sector as well. In fact, the rule rather than the exception.
I would note that burnout is a real psychological condition; and it's cause by an overstimulation via stress, a common characteristic of overworking in mentally demanding fields. 1/2
If you feel personally burned out, then you need time away from what causes stress in your life. It's a boundary and we should work together to make that known to all employers. 2/2