
This take is baffling. People were loudly saying this in 2016, large chunks of lefty dissenters maintained it was just a scare tactic, and then the lesser evil lost and the greater evil won and this is the direct result of that. The squishy liberal mind was proven emphatically correct
Why didn’t voting for the lesser evil stop this? And other questions for the liberal mind
it was definitely a chunk of lefty dissenters that just decided not to campaign in the midwest in the run up to the election
MaoTseCum420 should'nt have advised Clinton to send organizers to Iowa instead of Michigan
Not that it matters for the point here, but Clinton campaigned heavily in Michigan and especially Pennsylvania in the final two months in 2016, and lost both. Campaigning more in Wisconsin, even winning it, wouldn’t have mattered. So it’s an odd thing to be hung up about.
i wasn't aware presidential campaigns were only two months long. surely they weren't playing catch-up after they realized their mistake and possibly doing even more damage with poorly targeted GOTV efforts i've lived in michigan my whole life, i'm very aware of how things played out here in 2016
Hillary Clinton’s loss in Michigan, explained by the last Democrat to win in Sen. Gary Peters believes Michigan should no longer be seen “as a reliably blue state.”
pretty impressive how far we've come since 2016 and the mandate Gretchen has accomplished, imo
yeah, sure would be great if the national party could take some cues that embracing and enacting policies with broad popular support will help you win elections!
at least until the Court moves the goalposts again!
reading that Peters interview just has me mad all over again how in the fuck are you going to be a democratic presidential candidate and not once meet with the fucking UAW while campaigning in Michigan?
Hey hey there were important votes to court in Bel Air and Martha’s Vineyard.