
🕹️ Digital Visions 💿 The interplanetary future of 2142, the jungles of a terraformed Titan, and the frantic escape of alien conspiracy-uncovering intelligence agent Conrad B Hart, as digitally illustrated by Delphine Internation in its signature Cinematique graphics in the 1992 hit, Flashback.
Ahem, that should have been Delphine International. But yes, Flashback is one of my favourite games and holds really well with a pretty timeless 2D pixel artwork style. Recently received a numbered sequel from Microids that was... ugh. Not good. All is forgiven, Fade to Black.
I see a lot of games with fun art and interesting premises, then I see the Microids logo on the box...
I'm sure some of them are fine, but that logo is my cue to do a lot more research first.
Gods, Flashback was so goooooood.💜 I always associate it with the Mega Drive, funnily enough, despite it starting out on the Amiga.
I do more myself these days as that's the version I own and play the most. It feels very much at home on the Mega Drive and for good reason with it being developed for the MD but released on Amiga first.
I loved playing that game over and over on SNES back in the day.
It's such a timelessly wonderful game. The versions that have this intro rather than CGI like the Sega CD and CDI ones have aged better in my eyes.
It's hard to overstate how impressive those cutscenes were on the Genesis/SNES back in the day. Cutscenes in general weren't seen much back then, and they were typically still shots or with very little animation. Flashback's cutscenes were fully animated and vivid - just blew everyone's minds.
Best version for me would be the Mega-CD one but sometimes the BG music is a bit tiring. I loved the MD/SNES ambient sounds and occasional music for some action parts.
That game was so cool. I played it on SNES and I fondly remember the running and jumping animations, of all things. My overriding memory is that it was marred by clunky controls, though.
Ah, yeah, there is some timing with long jumps and control inputs sometimes needed that aren't always intuitive.