
Biden ending his campaign is one thing; Biden *resigning* would mean: a) endless GOP House "investigations" on Kamala Harris "covering up" Biden's mental state; b) the GOP House and broken Senate both have to confirm the new VP, they won't, and GOP will blame Dems. It's simply not a viable plan.
It's possible that they'd just do another insurrection, Kamala being a Black woman and all.
They'll do it anyway. Hope that all the security agencies are ready this time around &will kick their butt accordingly. Because they are saying what they're going to do: not recognise the outcome of the election and fight for their christian country. You're dealing with the domestic "Taliban".
Pretty much. After yesterday's search results, I am going all in on the Biden's debate was deepfaked probability. Because the fascists are.
I don't think it was deepfaked. But it WAS a set-up. They knew exactly that Trump will be lying 160 lies/minute , they did nothing. As Michael Cohen said (he did a great commentary on the debate together w ) you could put two AIs instead of Dana&Jake for all they were doing there
Also, there was no audience allowed as a conditionof the debate. Makes it harder to spot tampering, doesn't it?
Perhaps not harder to spot, everyone saw the blatant lies. But when there's no reaction, from the moderators nor the audience,it's a way of #normalising them. Joe did dispute some of them, but that's what I meant w a set-up:his role in such a debate environment wld be a permanent,relentless attack
Joe wasn't prepared for that . He was prepared for a classic debate. Journalism is not dead. But it doesn't live in the MSM anymore. And it all started with the same names: Epstein and Trump
I think Joe knew what Trump would do but wanted to showcase how much he accomplished. MSM wouldn't let him. The "moderators" sat there.
The fact that Grump congratulated Dana and Jake tells you everything.