
Science folks, one thing about bluesky is there's way less 2 way interaction between people, especially on science posts, than there was on old Twitter. I'm not sure why that is, but it's something I'm keen to encourage. I'd love to hear your thoughts 🧪
I think some combination of fewer people on bsky, lots of people being deeply burned out on social media, and maybe bsky (or at least the people I follow here) skewing older than the voices I followed during Twitter's heyday?
On Twitter I used to have epic conversations. Nowadays it takes a lot of effort to even start a conversation.
Oh gosh I thought it was just me and that nobody liked me any more. It is a little ironic as this site shows what people are replying to so theoretically it should be easier to start conversations, but that doesn't seem to happen in practice. Maybe lacking a critical mass of peeps? I don't know.
I suspect it's the critical mass thing. Some communities seem to be really active here, but my own field never made it over in large enough numbers, so there's little content and the people who did join just leave again. Ironically, this seems to be one of the few lively discussions on here.
The trick to engagement is to talk about lack of engagement 😂
oh gosh, apparently. I have been tagged in so many things today oh no