Alice Sheppard

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Alice Sheppard

Citizen scientist, Brit in Sweden, Galaxy Zoo turned me into a penguin. Always looking for more galaxies
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The NYT has accomplished a lot but it's undeniably showing its age
NYT says their performance on Threads today was an aberration, & not indicative of deeper problems they've had with social media. Unfortunately, that hasn't satisfied many observers whose concerns are growing louder. The stakes are too high. For the good of the news, the Times should step aside
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The thing about authoritarians by nature is that if they lose their leader, they don't know what the fuck to do, and we can take advantage of that
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I was interviewing a French journalist and he said public ownership of the major infrastructure for water and electricity is a massive anti-fascist coalition builder among labor, greens, socialists AND the public at large when benefits are widely shared and immediately felt (and would be missed!)
There is particular power in such an ideologically diverse coalition rejecting the French right because fascists should be reminded often that they’re repugnant to a broad swath of society, not just getting outmaneuvered by the wily left
Don't any of those greedy sods dare come to Sweden. They actually like what some of you would call socialism here. (Many of them, anyway. There are some very unpleasant entitled rich-arses, of course.)
‘Unfortunately, we’ve made it much more difficult for you to move to France, Sweden and Italy, and Australia will be on fire by 2030 because we don’t believe in climate change. Still, you clicked on the article, didn’t you.’
My head is rattling. Would anyone like to come and entertain my 8 month old even for 30 minutes so that I can close my eyes and breathe?
Putin must be feeling pretty irritated right now.
Anyone else feeling a bit twitched about France's elections today?
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we’re gonna have to waste time teaching kids this shit doesn’t work because silicon valley guys are too stupid to understand the sunk cost fallacy
Well this is grim
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I started serving on my town's climate change commission 4 years ago. We're now starting to see the first small projects come to fruition, the big project may be half a decade away. You can't do that on a 2 year post doc.
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Academia's original sin is forcing the most knowledgeable, talented, and passionate scientists, educators, and scholars to move every 1 to 4 years chasing postdocs. The kinds of community level changes we need to fight climate change need people who can commit to those communities.
Here everyone, have a Callisto kitty contorting herself into funny shapes
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"Look, we can't help it if this is the prevailing narrative," say the folks working at the country's largest narrative-creation factory.
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Make a band more vegetable Abbasparagus
Make a band more vegetable Fine Young Cabbages
My husband took our daughter out for a walk and they've seen a moose!!!
I ought to be doing useful things but there’s a cat on my feet.
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Wow! Reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian, a heart surgeon and lawmaker who ran on working with the West and easing hijab enforcement, beat hardliner Saeed Jalili in Iran’s runoff presidential election.
Reformist Pezeshkian wins Iran's presidential runoff election, besting hard-liner Reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian has won Iran’s runoff presidential election, besting hard-liner Saeed Jalili.
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Rwanda scheme gone, turns out elections do matter
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Let's literally and figuratively cancel the NYT. Let's tell them to stop committing journalistic malpractice or wither on the vine. Who were the folks who made dents in specific Fox pundit viability through coordinated ad boycotting? Are they still around?
Reposted byAvatar Alice Sheppard
So, I've been spitballing this idea. What if us plebs with a platform or talking to each other started that war? NYT is not as deep pocketed as Murdoch, and I presume one goal here is to regain the clicks and dollars they got with Trump
The only advice I’d give the Biden campaign is to go to war with the NYT. They’re even less popular than Biden or Trump, would form a good rallying cry, and reframes the campaign to be an underdog attempt to push good policy against elites who don’t want it. “NYT is for the billionaires, we’re not.”
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Well, everyone. Since we've all had a hell of a few years, and things have shifted a bit in the last 24 hours - I think we deserve a treat. Time for the kitten seen from underneath photo? Oh, I think so. We've all been very good. We deserve it.
Why did I never think of this? That's awesome. I guess I thought they all just kind of ... went into the detectors and the detectors ate them or they became other, exotic particles which the detectors detected and then they vanished in a burst of E=mc^2 energy or something.
I've been thinking about an unusual kind of garbage problem. When the Large Hadron Collider shuts down, all those high-speed particles have to go somewhere. This is where: An 8-meter-long radioactive graphite trash can, called a beam dump. 🧪
Someone posted a picture of a breakfast menu. I asked what sausage links were and someone else called me a bigot. I think some people on the internet seriously need to calm down.
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Dread and despair are spiritual states that fascists, those American supremacist bullies—who'd like everyone to be either owned by them or dead in the ground—most want us to occupy. And fascists are working very hard to make sure that dread and despair are what we feel.
LOL (Thumbnail: that picture of the haunted pencil snoozing in Parliament that day. Text: Randahl Fink on Mastodon says: "Rees Mogg is out. All parents in the world who told their children to sit up straight were right: Bad posture has consequences."
Randahl Fink (@[email protected]) Attached: 1 image Rees Mogg is out. All parents in the world who told their children to sit up straight were right: Bad posture has consequences. #ConservativeDownfall
The Tory total vote share of 22% so far is the lowest in history, going back to at least 1835: