
This is almost word for word what I tell students. Even if you’ve been disillusioned by what’s happening at the state and federal level, you need to get out and shore up your local politics.
It's not going to come down to a president or red states or blue states. It's going to come down to electing mayors and city council members that are brave enough to say "you're going to need to send in the National Guard if you want that shit enforced here." This is why we vote.
Like, a mayoral election could be the difference between your city and its councilors fighting tooth and nail against whatever nonsense comes from the left or the right and your city rolling out the red carpet for that same bullshit.
To a similar extent, governors matter, but local politics can be a bulwark against a shitty governor. Take it from someone who lived through Bruce Rauner in Illinois. If you don’t know who that is, google him.
And it is easier to influence by levels of scale! You and three meatspace friends showing up for the monthly city council meeting can probably change local politics.
The Fascist takeover here began with Birchers running for school boards. It took a long time, though. So what did Democrats do to stop them ? 🤔
Voting can be an important tool. It’s just one tool. What we also need is better organization and a willingness to sufficiently press power between elections. We’ve been far too polite a populace. We’re going to have to stomach some disruption we haven’t been willing to though.
Exactly. Don't bring iced tea to a gun fight.
Which is what makes living in New York State so fucking depressing