Dr. Johnathan Flowers, Blade Wielding Bisexual (Lordean arc)

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Dr. Johnathan Flowers, Blade Wielding Bisexual (Lordean arc)


Martial artist, motorcyclist, pragmatist, comics philosopher, queer phenomenologist.

Assistant Professor @CSUN. Japanese philosophy, race, gender, disability, tech/AI. Inquiries: [email protected]

Rider of the mind shaitan. He/Him/His 🏳️‍🌈
“The Illusion of Truth” is one of the most prescient episodes of B5. All the ISN episodes are must watch episodes on media as propaganda.
Very fun we live in a country where “well meaning liberals” are happy to assist conservatives in spinning up new ways to slur Black people as long as they can find a way to couch it in “genuine concerns” they have about the left “going too far”
Couldn’t even muster a capital letter P for “DEI president” in this poorly-worded, inflammatory, heat-seeking headline.
Misogynoir remains Kamala’s biggest obstacle. She’s incredibly competent (also a big cop but democrats love that). But the racism & sexism could be too much for her chances of success. Especially if they’re doing this “DEI” thing like she’s a diversity hire.
Couldn’t even muster a capital letter P for “DEI president” in this poorly-worded, inflammatory, heat-seeking headline.
Again, the angle the reactionary press would _like to_ take against Vice President Harris rhymes with “bigger niche” — which might play well with its core audiences, but might also appall some voters the GOP needs.
Couldn’t even muster a capital letter P for “DEI president” in this poorly-worded, inflammatory, heat-seeking headline.
"The post-debate analysis quickly devolved into a reality-show catfight...it is only exciting for people who won’t lose no matter who wins the White House. As for the rest of America, it has already lost." Another must-read Tressay www.nytimes.com/2024/07/06/o...
Opinion | Whoever the Democratic Candidate Is, Americans Have Already Lostwww.nytimes.com The American Republic feels fragile.
Black people already knew. All the violent extremism of Trumpism hit us first & is still hitting us that other Americans never care about, & we're also equipped to survive the extremities of totalitarianism because we've borne brunt of America's fascism for centuries. Good luck to the rest.
I really don’t think most people realize just how hard the boot will come down if Trump and the Republicans win the election. Most people have never experienced the totalitarian surveillance state with the power to reach into their homes and minds at will they are telling us is their plan.
Yall are so shocked and scared but all that factually has to happen for most of you to leave us to racists is your shame to be even a little triggered
Couldn’t even muster a capital letter P for “DEI president” in this poorly-worded, inflammatory, heat-seeking headline.
honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
Star Wars has never been serious. It is basically a mashup of Flash Gordon, Akira Kurosawa, & Dune if the Butlerian Jihad never happened. Star Wars has always been campy & pulpy. It is slop. The lesbian space witches are cool. Relax.
I wish they'd just reconcile that what they really mean is that they don't see a way to reliably centralize the power to mobilize others and then do the self-reflection to explore how they decided that was the promised goal of social media.
For weeks I'm going to be seeing people discussing help received from posts -- a motorized wheelchair, help finding housing, a new friend who believed them and helped through a tough time, a post that changed their outlook -- and thinking to myself "Ah yes, but posting? It doesn't even matter."
got a very kind thank-you note last night from a friend who just found this post, so y’all are getting it again too rachelhands.com/2024/04/06/o...
wrote a thing for #InternationalAsexualityDay - I fought with myself a lot about whether to post this very not-work thing to what is ostensibly my management blog. my hope is that it finds some other ace folks who want to see themselves in someone else's story, plus...
On ace legibilityrachelhands.com Hi friends. This post is not about work, and I fought with myself a bunch about whether to post it: here, on a different page of this site, at all. Readers of this blog will know that “bring your whol...
So, I’m going to be in China for a week (for some talk I have to give on the UN’s dime) and apparently there’s one day where I have nothing to do in Beijing. I’m gonna sleep all day.
The Old Gods demand tribute.
We’ve had the rule for how ever many years but I still click and watch the video every single time. Some days it can end up in my feed half a dozen times and I will still watch every time. It never gets old. I love it every single time I watch it
Tom Holland's "Umbrella" | Lip Sync Battleyoutu.be Tom Holland, the stars of ""Spider-man: Homecoming" performing his dance and lip-sync with Rihanna's "Umbrella". Check out his jaw-dropping performance now!S...
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
Erin’s right, but the thing that will always remind me that social media can accomplish something is when people on here and in the Bad Place literally came together to give me a few more months to say goodbye to Rose.
It’s funny cause people tell me *all the time* how they’ve learned from me and found community through my posts and been uplifted and connected to others and gotten tools to recognize and fight hate and felt less alone in the world. But I guess fuck that right? I’m not accomplishing anything.
#BookChallenge The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers Day 2 and 3
#BookChallenge The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers.
“He took away abortion and he wants to be a dictator” should be plastered on every surface and blaring out of every speaker.
Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate disasterdisconnect.blog Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
If you are going to be protesting anywhere near the Republican National Convention, write the NLG number on your stomach in Sharpie (not your arm: cops use that as "evidence of premeditation"). They are fucking superheroes. Give them money to keep being superheroes: www.nlg.org/donate/
Donate - National Lawyers Guildwww.nlg.org
People are using this to say “threats of violence work, actually,” and missing the whole context of post Civil War uses of violence to enforce integration here. Moreover, it misses Sheridan’s whole experience in Texas and New Orleans during reconstruction.
found out in 1867, black people in New Orleans protested segregated streetcars by riding whites-only cars. The streetcar companies appealed to then military commander General Sheridan who said “integrate or else” and wrote to Grant, “they are now all happily riding together”.
Honestly I'm just going to assign this skeet as a text in my AI class next year and put my feet up on the desk and take a nap
yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
Daily reminder that masking is an act of resistance