
Ugh. Now this from the Unforced errors desk at the Biden Campaign. In reply to…
How is this relatively standard practice a Biden campaign error?
I don’t know where that’s coming from, but it is absolutely not standard practice for a “journalist” to be slipped the questions to be asked of the candidate (in the open, anyway). That’s WHY the TV station FIRED the journalist.
So, first, it's radio. She said she was given 8 questions and approved of 4 of them. The male radio host in WI was not fired under precisely the same situation. Either way, removing agency from the hosts & blaming the campaign is a stretch.
Why do you want to spin something the White House itself is trying to walk away from? “the White House was not involved in any preparation for the … interviews… providing questions to interviewers is not standard practice …and the campaign is not planning to do it again going forward.”
I can pick the part I want too. '"We do not condition interviews on acceptance of these questions, and hosts are always free to ask the questions they think will best inform their listeners," Hitt said.' In any case, your position was that her firing was a Biden campaign error. I don't see how.
Because there are plenty of examples of previews of any kind going awry. Remember the Donna Brazile flap over the @CNN debate questions? This is why, despite what you may think, most pro campaigns just don’t take such risks anymore. If you don’t do it at all, it can’t blow back on you.