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I see and say things that need seeing and saying. (matrix)
When Warner Discovery boss, Zaslav says “jump,” the always pliant Sanjay says “how high?” In reply to…
I have listened to know-nothing ideologues run this country off a cliff since Ralph Nader. WE ALL want things to be better. But we don’t get to choose our politics. We can only choose from what they offer. If you don’t like the fucking choices, get involved and change the politics. Bitching …
This is true. MAGAs don’t give a fuck about others. Three years ago I said “if these horrible Americans ever come back to power, they will make the German Nazis seem like a nicer class of people.” In reply to…
I keep trying to “Send (a webpage) to my Tablet” from Chrome on my desktop, and it never works? Anyone have a theory as to why this might be happening?
Joy sent me the original TikTok. Now you can repost it without the execrable Mediaite.
Good morning? Were the fireworks as attenuated in your neck of the woods? It was eerily quite here for the first time, ever. Normally it sounds like a war zone. Are Americans growing tired of celebrating an American experiment that seems to be dying in the lab?
According to Drake’s formula, there could be roughly 29 trillion communicative civilizations in just the observable universe, give or take a few trillion. And probably at least that many races. That could keep MAGAs othering for a very long time.
There was a society on Twitter that listened to the same 3rd string progressive radio host who could always be counted on to say or tweet the same banal virtue signaling and pseudo-left orthodoxy. No critical thinking allowed. They were toxic and tiresome. They’ve had a toehold in the fedi, but …
@[email protected] The people who should be on trial for it: Reagan, Gingrich, Reed, Schlafly, Viguerie, Limbaugh, Murdoch, Koch, Anschutz, Ailes, McConnell, Bannon, Sinema, and most of all, THIS little-known fuckweasel ⏵
What the fuck is that fascist training center, Hillsdale College trending on X?
I was invited on yacht to watch the fireworks. I was all packed up and ready to go when I remembered that I am still peeing excessively and clotting. Do I really want to pee off a boat with 8 million cell cameras around so my penis can go viral on TikTok? There’s always next year. Maybe.
This is very ominous and needs attention, stat.
ATTENTION U.S. PROGRESSIVES “Labour set for landslide victory in UK election; Conservatives facing worst result in history.” Moral of the story? Sometimes moving to the center is a practical strategy with benefits. It doesn’t always dictate what happens next.
@[email protected] This is not only not a bad idea, but the Left should have started it years ago, and still can. 5 years ago, I publicly begged Keith Olbermann to do it. The Right just wants 24/7 bullshit channel. Serious people can and should do better.
Reposted byAvatar Shoq
Sorry, folks, this year "no vote" is a vote for fascism, don't be that person, voting is a necessary if not entirely sufficient act
Here it is, the dumbest thing you will read today
Does this sound like a reasonable capsule summary of what many believe when they refer to “identity politics?”
I may be dense, but I still don’t know what this means or why it’s worded this way. MOST of my notifications are “from a person I know.” What makes 1 or 2 so special that I need this weird notification, and a separate column to see them? Nothing in the UI explains it. Can you?
Over thirty fucking years since instant messengers were invented, and there still isn’t any widely adopted solution for the fediverse. No three friends every use the same network. Why that isn’t a priority here just mystifies me. That Matrix is such a trainwreck of complexity doesn’t help.
Just when exactly did social media platforms become like sports teams where everyone feels they just have to insist that one is so much better than the other. With a few minor exceptions (for technical differences), they are ALL stale relics of a distant past with little if any real innovation …
Yes, Murdoch destroyed politics and lives on 3 continents. And yes, venal conservatives have embraced media and politics that have poisoned minds. But millions of those minds were so weak, it was easy for the toxins to work. America is a failed society, if not yet a failed state.
The Cybertruck looks like the bitter love child of a drunken F-150, and a Delorean overdosed on Adderall. In reply to…
I’m old enough to remember when “preppers” seemed like crazy people.
Reposted byAvatar Shoq
I think this is unfair on the AMC Pacer tbh.
Speaking of stupid vehicles. I finally saw a Tesla cybertruck at a stoplight yesterday. It has to be one the ugliest thing on wheels since the original AMC Pacer.
My life is filled with dark irony. Last week, a millennial sitting in her father’s $240,000 Lamborghini told me that Americans just don’t understand how lucky we are.
There Are Now More $200,000 Cars Than $20,000 There are more ways to spend $200,000 on a car than there are to spend less than $20,000.
Please pass it on to everyone you see, everywhere you see them. And urge them to do the same. We’re running out of time. HT @[email protected]
It’s an upside down world when one of the few people I see consistently staying focused on the threats we face is Liz fucking Cheney.