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I should put something here. Refugee from Twitter. Was almost entirely reading at this point, we'll see if that changes. Mostly following people here that I followed there.
If you, like me, saw mention recently that there was talk of restricting the covid booster this fall, here is trustworthy info that states otherwise
Friends, the “People’s CDC” is not a reliable source of information, nor are they a good faith actor. Neither FDA nor CDC want to restrict access to the fall booster for the 2024-2025 Covid season. Their claim otherwise is fear-mongering bullshit.
Reposted byAvatar shy
Friends, the “People’s CDC” is not a reliable source of information, nor are they a good faith actor. Neither FDA nor CDC want to restrict access to the fall booster for the 2024-2025 Covid season. Their claim otherwise is fear-mongering bullshit.
End of feed.