
Friends, the “People’s CDC” is not a reliable source of information, nor are they a good faith actor. Neither FDA nor CDC want to restrict access to the fall booster for the 2024-2025 Covid season. Their claim otherwise is fear-mongering bullshit.
I think it’s wrong - ethically, morally, tactically, and strategically wrong - to lie to disabled Americans, telling folks they must expend pressure energy fighting an imaginary boogeyman, all to juice your own social media stats
A lot of people do seem to want to restrict it. There's a lot of misinformation being spread, and it doesn't look like good faith misunderstandings to me.
FYI: Had to download & read poorly designed PDF to learn "Recommendation votes are scheduled for influenza vaccines, COVID–19, and other vaccines for adults on 6/26 and CDC welcomes input." Doesn't say what will be voted on. What happened to science-based?
Sorry you lost your grant funding because you told ableds to lie about being disabled, but this Substack scaremongering bullshit isn’t going to replace that money and is actively harmful 🤷
When “People’s CDC” flood the ACIP docket with comments against something that CDC isn’t going to do (i.e. restrict eligibility for the fall booster), it damages the credibility of the entire movement. We look like unreasonable, out-of-touch-with-reality, cranks.
Thank you for letting me know about this! I was starting to think that maybe I shouldn't get my fall booster, because I was worried I'd be taking it away from an elderly/disabled/immunocompromised person. That's a huge relief.
wait do you play apex under the same name?
No, sorry. xD I don't play online games. I got that from an old MST3K skit. I've been using that for a while, now, but never in any online games. In fact, I only use this handle for Blue Sky and Discord, and I'm not on Discord anymore.
ah okay, i used to play with a different roll fizzlebeef then :)
No problem. I should be weirded out by the fact that there's another Roll Fizzlebeef out there, somewhere, but I shouldn't be surprised. MST3K was a popular show.
I’m so glad you’re here.
Thank you. I spent way more time than I should have trying to track down a citation and wondering why none of the citations given said that.
When People’s CDC engages in this fear-mongering bullshit, it contributes to burning out our community; and then later, when engagement with HHS at really is necessary, fewer folks are there.
If you want to argue that the CDC guidelines ought to allow for everyone to get *two* vaccine doses per year? Look, you’re not going to win that fight, but trying to do so while muddying the water with lies about fall booster eligibility makes you look like a god damn fool.
What I will say is that we won the guidance from CDC that allows people to self-certify their status as someone who needs two (or more!) boosters per year. Self-certify, doesn’t require any additional proof, doesn’t require an Rx. That was a long, hard fight.
I am very, very grateful for your efforts. (Although I had to argue hard to get the pharmacist to give me my last booster, he kept repeating that I was under 65 and I kept repeating "you have to be 65 *or immunocompromised*" in an increasingly loud voice until he gave in and let me have it.)
I ran into this too, super frustrating. The pharmacist kept telling me it was a corporate rather than individual decision - that if they administered before corporate agreed, they could lose their job.
I booked the appointment through their website, which asked me if I was immunocompromised. It wasn’t a corporate policy, assuming their website reflects corporate policy, this particular pharmacist just didn’t know what he was talking about and didn’t want to listen.
Yeah, that fits with what I've encountered. I've never tried to just walk in and get one without scheduling first and having to attest to why, often with details. They always make me redo it once I'm there, and often argue.
Wal Mart doesn't seem to argue much. Neither does CVS after you tell them that you're getting boosted every six months on the orders of your cardiologist.
Good to know, thank you!
I'm very lucky; I live in an area with a bunch of different pharmacies. When one flat-out refused to give me a booster this spring because I'm not yet 65 I went to another that was perfectly happy to give me the shot. Both were walk-ins without appointments. If you're denied (and can!), shop around.
I had to complain to the Washington State Epidemiologist and head of the Pharmacy Association to get them to fix this.
It seems we can only fix it on a state by state basis, which is wild to me
Last year I got a note from my doctor saying I needed a 6mo booster and presented it at a pharmacy. They still argued with me for ten minutes about how I was neither over 65 nor immunocompromised. Ten minutes, while my long covid made increasingly difficult and then impossible for me to stand up.
While my spouse’s situation is for back injury, having a walker to SIT/REST on definitely helps with admin stuff at windows and counters. We do a transport chair for extra bad days or longer walk situations.
I'm glad to hear this, I didn't know!!
Yes! I'm glad to to see the particulars put down in words. I've been urging others in my home to advocate for their own health bc they must protect mine, by acquiring as many vaccines as they get their grubby mitts on✌️My parsing of the language when I get COVID vaccines is that No Proof is required.
Thank you for this! I'm immunocompromised & I got my fall 2023 Covid vaccine 10/11/23 & my spring booster 4/11/24 easily at my GP's office & plan to just keep on a twice yearly Covid vaccine booster schedule as long as they're available. The more people who know, the better!
Wait what? That's huge, TIL.
yup. you can just go schedule yourself a booster when you want to. i did it just before some international travel, no questions asked
indeed, and I'll be doing some of that next year, so I definitely appreciate some ability to control the timing.
And does insurance have to pay for it? Or can they still cover just the one?
dunno. i've never had to pay for one but last time was the updated booster last fall
I'm looking at appointments. the booster shot - is it just a Normal shot? or smaller dose?
if you're in the U.S., we've moved away from that sort of terminology. any place that's still currently offering the 2023-2024 covid vaccine is what you're looking for
We've moved away from a vaccine counting regime, to a system where there's a yearly covid season (sort of like a school year). We're just finishing up the 2023-2024 covid season, and we're about to start the 2024-2025 covid season. In the fall* the 2024-2025 covid vax will become available.
So the guidelines don’t say you can get two boosters, but you can get two boosters?
People who are moderately to severely immunocompromised? CDC says that those folks "may" get a second dose of that covid season's booster at least 4 months after the first dose. I think those people **should** get that second dose.
And self-certify would mean, I take it, you don’t need a doctor to confirm whether you’re immunocompromised (or over 65, I suppose).
People who are 65 years or older? CDC recommends (and I agree) that those folks should get a second dose of that covid season's booster at least 4 months after the first dose. hypothetical example: Grandma gets the 2024-2025 💉 on 9/1/24, then I want her to get another dose in January of 2025.
i’ve been poking around on the cdc website looking for a page to show a skeptical pharmacist — “self-certify” isn’t getting me what i need, is there some other keyword i should look for?
Genuinely curious - did you try searching my posts before asking for a bespoke answer?