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Systems+Security faculty @GWTweets CS. Resiliency, OS, Networks, CPS, Real-Time. Photography. #AnnotatedEquations. He/him. Opinions/RTs personal.
This is f*cking cool! A 16 bit #cpu (and custom #assembly language) built entirely in #excel! Yeah you read that right: Microsoft Excel! The video is really well made and it’s actually quite instructional for learning about low level logic design.
I built my own 16-Bit CPU in To try everything Brilliant has to offer—free—for a full 30 days, visit The first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant’s annua...
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The Brooklyn Public Library has announced that any teenager in America is now eligible for a Brooklyn Public Library card. Teens can sign out ebooks + audiobooks from wherever they live. The move is designed to combat censorship, with some titles listed as "always available." 📚
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Trump is constantly saying “The world is laughing at us,” and on that, he’s right. This morning at an international autism conference in Spain, a prominent pediatric neurologist used this image to depict emotional dysregulation.
GWU Computer Science is #hiring Come work with us and my amazing colleagues and students. 
We’re hiring in *all* areas of computer science. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. 
Link to the job posting:
Computer Science Tenure Track Assistant The Department of Computer Science at The George Washington University invites applications to join the tenure-track faculty at the Assistant Professor level with an anticipated start date of Fall 202...
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Notice how the generically anti-tech line of the NYT is easily leveraged into support for online censorship that will affect marginalized groups first and foremost.
Anyone under 18 in New York would need parental consent to access algorithm-based social media feeds, like those on like TikTok and Instagram, if a proposed bill becomes law. Officials say they want to protect minors from potential mental health risks.
New York Seeks to Limit Social Media’s Grip on Children’s Legislation would require parental consent for anyone under 18 to access the algorithm-based feeds on TikTok, Instagram and other platforms.
My phone made a noise at 2:20 ET today and now I am sneezing, coughing and convulsing while I trsjdbjjxky..+#*%_…
Oh god, we’re about to see a spate of “#security” papers that hack this platform aren’t we? 🤦🏽‍♂️ Link to article: #nvidia #gpu #confidential
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Watching people who are awesome at making 28-second jokey videos with trending audio try to produce compelling text-based content is making my stomach hurt
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A volunteer with Foods Not Bombs who was ticketed for feeding the unhoused was found not guilty by a unanimous jury decision.
Wait did Oracle come out swinging against IBM and #lRedHat in a battle about #opensource and they’re…scratches head…on the right side of things? 
I’m so confused! I don’t know how to deal with *supporting* Oracle!
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Threads sucks because it rewards Instagram influencers who were able to just import their already large following & the algorithm just promotes the hell out of their high engagement posts but as everyone is finding out, Instagram influencers just aren’t good posters. they don’t have the sickness.
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I’m sure Musk pays Alex Spiro and his firm Quinn Emmanuel a lot. I’d rather take Musk’s money to kiss his ass in the noonday sun than pander whatever legal skills I had like that. Fuckin gross.
Max is right. This is a bullshit letter. And since it’s from Alex Spiro, who isn’t an idiot, it’s a deliberate, please-your-psycho-client, needily-posturing stupid letter. No sense of shame at all.
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Reskeet to save someone’s fucking life
How does every discussion on #verification end up with “well we could solve *all* the problems if only we were given the requirements in a formal manner”. 😂
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ROGAN: So you’re saying — vaccines are CAUSING this wokeness? RFKJR: Yes Joe. You can look it up. There’s proof. ROGAN: I need a source though. I’m a critical thinker. RFKJR: Try “ ROGAN: Oh my God it’s all right here RFKJR: You can’t deny science Joe
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Why is this written like a fanfiction romance?
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Manhattanhenge on 57th St, NYC, 2022. #OnePicADay
“The Paths Not Taken” An attempt at #fineartphotography. #sibinsglass #photography #blackandwhite
Hello! I’m a CS academic interested in security, resiliency and systems in general. Also into photography, art, politics and news and a random bunch of things! Oh, and some shitposting too! 😂
End of feed.