Sid Fiore Branca

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Sid Fiore Branca

i make & study moving images, the pervert’s medium 🎭🩸📹 into queer horror and where film meets stage performance. adjunct faculty at saic. attempting to watch every clown movie.
i absolutely loved Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural! one of many films that Girls, Guts, & Giallo put on my radar that i’d never heard of previously that quickly became a favorite. i really need to revisit it
in a world where Messiah of Evil is getting some well-deserved recognition, Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural deserves to be more widely seen. it's the closest I've come to seeing anything with the same kind of moving-through-syrup waking nightmare reality feeling.
Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural (1973) A notorious bank robber kills his wife and flees the police, only to be captured by a mysterious group of figures in an abandoned town. His beautiful daughter, Lila Lee, receives a letter stating…
tickled by this photo our MUA Olivia took yesterday of me and our cinematographer Jana McLain looking extremely On Set -- you can't tell here but for this scene of A Real Inverted Person we were filming in a room at the hospital where they stage fictional medical "encounters" for training 📽️
i just saw this photo of Gillian Anderson smoking a cigarette and started hyperventilating so i figure y'all might also want to see it
how many times a day can i make a horrible wordless noise that is inadequate to express my feelings about the future
me every time i put my little band-aid on below the hem of my linen shorts: we are crafting an imagistic narrative here
doing environmental storytelling by wearing a dress that exposes my injection site band-aid
spam texts really need to fucking cool it, this one actually made me really mad
laughing remembering that one time in the late ‘70s in new york my father brought a woman on a first date to see a new movie he thought looked cool, but she walked out in disgust mid-film so he begrudgingly went after her. there was no second date, but he did eventually see the rest of Eraserhead
Ministry’s first album, With Sympathy, is synth-pop that is very different from their subsequent work, ostensibly heavily impacted by label pressure, but honestly it’s one of my favorite records of all time. also a synth-pop album with this cover art really does capture my vibe imo
how i've been spending a lot of my time lately (on set directing, not using the 🎬, but i did step in for this one shot because everyone else on our amazing but tiny crew was doing something else) i love making movies
hell yeah my copy of Corpses, Fools and Monsters: The History and Future of Transness in Cinema by and arrived today, really looking forward to giving this a read
currently watching a very emphatic conductor lead an orchestra rehearsal of Shostakovich Symphony No. 5 and i must say: this absolutely whips
for professional reasons, this week i need to try and thrift an approximation of jeff goldblum’s outfit in Nashville, wish me luck
a small sampling of my Reference Images folder
doing some cleaning house with my digital files, and this seems to mostly entail putting the most chaotic assemblage of images into a folder called “Reference Images”
doing some cleaning house with my digital files, and this seems to mostly entail putting the most chaotic assemblage of images into a folder called “Reference Images”
it happened again: last night on a bar patio eight people sat in attentive silence while i delivered an emphatic monologue about clowns over my malört and club soda
shoot day 2 of 7 done today on the featurette i’m directing!! complete with a live theatrical performance with an audience. things are really coming along.
no movie for me today, but this week i finally watched Nashville (1975), and holy hell what a picture, and one that really does manage to nail a particular set of this nation’s vibes
the deal was that i wouldn’t have to wear my hot and itchy work shirt in today’s gross weather if i wore something “on theme”, so i guess it’s national “wearing a blue linen dress i got in italy so i don’t get heat stroke while the orchestra plays Stars and Stripes Forever in very high humidity” day
do we think how reality tv & then youtube/tiktok performance has been framed & consumed contribute to a misunderstanding of acting as a craft (& as labor) that is one of several necessary conditions for exploitative, disrespectful, & artistically soulless “AI” simulation approximations of actors
today in conversation my mom casually dropped the fact that she got formally engaged to her first husband when he gave her a diamond ring *at a Doors concert*
"french bisexual with a perfect jawline who is pissed off all the time" has gotta be one of my favorite genders (in the plaid, the character of Claude in Jacques Rivette's Gang of Four, played by Laurence Côte)
can someone explain why my brain keeps switching the names of Richard Linklater and Robert Altman? for some reason i keep saying one when i mean the other, to the point of lightly embarrassing myself
it probably says a lot about me that i was really fixated on Looking for Richard as a 12 year-old
Thinking again about how Al Pacino filmed the entirety of his Shakespeare documentary, Looking For Richard, while wearing, backwards, a baseball cap he got from the set of Scent Of A Woman.
today was our first shoot day for the featurette i’m directing and i had so much fun and am so pleased (and exhausted) 🥰 i didn’t take much bts but here’s a quick little monitor selfie of me standing in for our performer for lighting for a oner monologue in the back of a moving car
seeing multiple suburban looking men in Rolling Stones shirts… multiple pedicabs blasting Stones greatest hits… that’s environmental storytelling baby
getting a call sheet that says “Director: Sid Branca” really does give me such a goddamn thrill
i finally caved and posted in the Tip of My Tongue subreddit to try and find out what this short story is i’ve been trying to place for years, that i likely read in a ‘90s anthology of horror short stories
Reddit - Dive into For finding the un-googleable things that are on the tip of your tongue... That word... The name of that song... That movie...
my flight got canceled so i'm leaving the bay at ass o'clock in the morning instead, which is not ideal, but since i'm still here do i go to this 35mm screening of Pumping Iron II: The Women (1985) happening tonight??
i am uninterested in the discourse du jour of this or in any rules about What All Fictional Narratives Must Do, but if you’re looking for a film that acknowledges covid without being bound by rules of formal structure or realism, may i recommend Radu Jude’s 2021 film Bad Luck Banging Or Loony Porn