
forgot to mention that this sloth was page 288 out of my 288 page sketchbook wow woo on to the next one
Uhhh do we use the same sketchbook? Pentalic Utility Sketchbook? I've never seen any others with that page count
mine are from the dollar store and have faux leather covers that say Sketch in cursive made by a company called Studio
same to you dave! thanks for always being so kind!
Ah, well, now I know of two kinds with that page count. For the record, the pentalic one I use is pretty great if you're looking for a no-frills notebook with decently heavy stock in 8.5×11". But I only buy them steeply discounted.
i will definitely keep them in mind, i am hardly a “professional” artist but someday i hope to get nice sketchbooks, i buy fairly good watercolor paper for my paintings but i cant justify really nice sketchbooks just yet especially with just doing all these silly quick drawings vie been doing